Control Your Anger



Anger has never been​ Productive in any way​. It has always had the tendency to be Destructive rather than Helping You. I know Anger is a feeling and we can't just through​ it away infact sometimes it sticks with us forever. That being said controlling Your Anger is something you could try doing.


Things to Do

1. Try to stay away from Things that might Agitate You in any way​.

2. If by any chance you get Angry to ​try to​ Walk it Off.

3. While you are in the​ State of Anger think about a Safe Place that exists only for You.

4. If you have Anger Issues it would be better if you Stayed away from Cigarettes, Alcohol and other forms​ of Drugs.

5. Regular Exercise helps you in Disciplining your Anger.

6. Last but not Least try to meditate.


I hope you guys liked this Short Post of MIne.
See you Guys in my Next Post.

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