New Year, New Goals...

Every gosh darn year I sit down and I write a list of goals I wish to achieve by the end of the year...and every year I fail to achieve any of them.
This year I want to believe will be different! I feel like I've been lacking the motivation to push myself into achieving anything in the past, but this year I finally feel it!!
I've decided to include this years goals on my blog in hopes that you guys can annoy the crap out of me and help push me towards my goals!

Now, before I write up my list...I am aware everybody and their mothers include fitness journey and weight loss goals, but I NEED to do this, not just for the confidence but for my health, my knee and hip (long story) can't take much weight anymore and it is time to get my ass up and out to the gym.

GOALS 2018!!!

  • Stay consistent in going to the gym
  • Drink my Apple Cider Vinegar once daily
  • Drink more water!
  • Aim for 10,000 per day
  • Get to 100kg
  • Learn a new skill/hobby
  • Be happier and less stressed

I know standard, but these are what I'd like to achieve this year, its about time I start looking after myself!


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