The good news is that, almost from the moment you put out the last cigarette, the body starts to recover. Here are some tips to help you quit.
Top Five Strategies
Before deciding to stop smoking, accept that it will take determination. Aim to quit only when you are ready to do it unreservedly. Think positive thoughts about the improvement in health and well being that it'll mean. Make a list of reasons why you want to stop.
Take the decision, fix a day and, make the commitment to stop.
Try smoking cessation aids. Nicotine replacement therapy comes in the form of chewing gum, skin patch, sub-lingual tablet, nasal spray or inhaler.
-Try herbal cigarettes. Acupuncture and hypnosis may also help.
- Involve friends and family. Their support will get you through the grouchy periods of withdrawal. Cessation clinis and self-help groups are also out there.
If you lapse, don't despair. Treat it as a new challenge, not failure.
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