Scientists will be able to transplant and develop organs in animals for human

A new discovery is made by which scientists will be able to transplant and develop organs in animals for transplantation.
Japanese and American scientists have had the greatest success in developing human organisms from animals. They have developed a hybrid embryo in the sheep. Human and sheep stem cells (cells) have been used in this embryo. Further progress in this field can lead to the development of human organs in animals for transplantation. This will make it easier for humans to develop organs to transplant.

Researchers claim to be the first big step towards making human organ

This hybrid prepared from human and sheep cells is the first step towards making human organ from animals. In the coming time, the limbs developed from animals will be implanted in patients. He told that human stem cells have been successful in developing embryos by transferring sheep into the womb. It took 28 days. The test was started at Tokyo University. Researchers at this university have already developed pancreatias (pancreas) in rats. Researcher researcher Hirok Nakochi said that after the rats it was tried in the larger animals as the next step. In Japan, however, due to the restriction of such research, America was moved to Stanford University. He said, by the development of pancreatias in the rat, it became clear that the limbs are also made to be made in other animals.

The rat has already got such success

Researchers at Tokyo University have already developed pancreas (pancreas) from the mice. This pancreas, implanted in the diabetes mellitus rat, was able to produce enough amounts of insulin. In the coming time, all the problems faced by the diabetic sufferers will be overcome.


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