Food cravings: what signals send to our body?

Hi there!

It sometimes happens to us to want to eat something sweet, salty, or roasted. Each craving is, in fact, a message transmitted by our body, because every craving corresponds to a deficiency of vitamins, minerals or fatty acids.

The brain always indicates the lack of certain nutrients needed by the body. Why are these nutrients important? Because they participate in various and many processes that take place in the human body. If one of the nutrients is missing or is at a very low dose, then the hunger is installed.

Food appetite is the way our body signals that some substances are missing from the body, and the sending of such "messages" is meant to restore the balance of minerals, vitamins, or energy levels of the body.

The main food cravings and diseases associated with them:

  • Sweet appetite indicates lack of chromium in the body

The lack of chromium in the body can also be due to the consumption of processed foods - sweets, cakes, etc., as this mineral is lost in the process of refining food.

Lack of chromium can cause many serious conditions. What is the connection that establishes between the level of chromium in the blood, diabetes, too high cholesterol, hypertension and obesity? All of this can be triggered by lack of chrome, which triggers a poor use of insulin in metabolism.


Chromium allows insulin to be used effectively in the body by adjusting blood glucose levels.

Thus, nutritionists claim that the more you eat more sweets, the more you will feel the need to eat more quantities. Since chromium is a mineral that must be assimilated from diet, you must have a balanced diet, including fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, whole grains, and especially broccoli, green beans and grapes.

  • Salty appetite is often associated with sodium deficiency, but also with high levels of stress.

Specifically, appetite to eat salty foods such as pretzels or chips may indicate dehydration in the body because at this point the amount of sodium in the body decreases, and the person instead of feeling thirsty, feels the need to consume salty foods.

At the same time, salty appetite may indicate an anxiety state, in which case it is recommended to increase the intake of vitamin C, potassium and magnesium.

  • Carbohydrate appetite may indicate a possible depression.

Carbohydrates help release serotonin (the hormone of happiness) in the body, and a diet rich in protein and low in carbohydrates can change your mood .For a balanced and healthy diet, the most important are the whole pasta.

  • Lack of vegetables and fruits may indicate that our body could suffer from a lack of enzymes

This lack of enzymes results from excessive consumption of thermally prepared foods, knowing that enzymes are destroyed by exposure to high temperatures.


Walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts are rich in unsaturated fats, and the desire to consume these foods may indicate the existence of diseases caused by the deficiency of unsaturated fatty acids (heart disease, high cholesterol, or hyperthyroidism). It may indicate the body's lack and need to rebalance its intake of essential fatty acids.

  • Lack of appetite shows that there is a deficiency of essential fatty acids in the body, but it can also be a sign of low calcium.

In these cases it is recommended to supplement the consumption of calcium-rich foods such as broccoli, sesame, eggs, cheese, or calcium supplements.

The appetite can also betray a lack of protein, especially as a result of intense physical and intellectual activities.

  • A craving food may indicate the existence of a biliary dyskinesia

This food craving may also cause excessive alcohol consumption. Last but not least, this may be an alarm signal for diseases such as gastritis, hepatitis, hyperthyroidism.

  • Coffee appetite means that your body needs phosphorus, sulfur or iron*

If you do not want to be coffee addicted and if you want to have a balanced phosphorus level in the body, it is recommended to consume as much as possible fish, eggs and dried fruits. The iron deficiency can be compensated by regular consumption of broccoli, parsley, celery or garlic.

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