My Weight Loss Fitness Journey

Hello Everyone!

I want to share my weight loss journey with you. I'm so happy with how far I have come and honestly once I got into good routine I did not focus on losing the weight it just happened naturally and slowly over time and I feel that is the best way for weight loss.

When I weighted myself towards the end of 2016, I was the heaviest I had ever been at 62kg which is not healthiest weight for my height. When I realised how much weight I had gained (10kg+) and how oblivious I was till then, my self confidences had dropped so much. I wanted to quickly return to how I was previously and got very impatient and discouraged when I started.

It was when I arrived in Chiang Mai in May 2017 I decided it was the perfect time to get myself into a new routine, I joined a local gym only a 5 minute walk away and cut out any snack foods. I just stuck with three hearty meals a day and made sure that I was not restricting myself as that just leaves to binging. I also knew it was not sustainable to do any drastic low calorie "diets" as I knew again that would leave to future weight gain and binging.

After I was in my routine I lost the weight and didn't even realise I had till I returned back to Australia and my family commented. Which again is why I stress just to set yourself a good routine so you can set and forget so you don't obsesses over it and it's just you living your best life!! :D :D

I hope you enjoy my video :) let me know what you think!

Later Days!!!


☆ insta:
☆ my fit-sta:

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