Dark Days


How does one start talk about such things to strangers? And is it even such a good idea to share these things with those you've never met let alone known? If I am truly honest I sometimes find these things so tough to talk about to even those closest to me. This is not for reasons of avoidance, fear or even arrogance but my own confusion and lack of understanding.

Today was a day that should have been like any other and yes it has started similar to some other days. But those days have become so few and far between that I've become complacent, ignorant of their existence at times. I find distractions, hobbies and fun pastimes to dissuade my mind from confronting the truth. Lately I have found the wondrous distraction that is painting (or more accurately pastelling, if that's a thing) and it is wonderful. I have loved every second of my immersion in it. But it doesn't do a single thing for those days, like today, when the hammer falls.

Now, I don't live in fear of this happening. Hell, more often than not I forget that it could happen. Course when it does it hits so much harder. Days like today are horrid. They are days where you just want to disappear in to a hole and not come out. I fight and fight thoughts of hopelessness, uselessness, feeling that I will never succeed in anything and ultimately that all my efforts will forever be for nought.

I could sit/lie here and let the tears flow with abandon and it will ease the feelings inside for a time. But the outcome is always the same. I inevitably feel raw, hollow, empty and with a renewed desire to hide and not face the world. So my alternative is to pen it all up inside, something I almost never do not anymore.

People say, "Lighten up!" or "It's never that bad." And to those people I say, "Have you ever tried lighting a fire in a hurricane?"


Sadness is just feeling a bit down.................right? Sadness is simply just the opposite of being happy or the absence of it..........right? Sadness and being depressed or feeling low isn't just something everyone can shrug off. I can't just sit down, find a favourite film/book/hobby etc and brush it all away. All of those things I took enjoyment from before now hold no sway or happiness. It's almost as if your favourite food is tasteless and odourless, besides that you're not even hungry for it. Therefore I cannot simply just play the pain away.

This depression is rooted deep within me, it's at my core and it's unfortunately part of who I am. I am not sure I will ever be able to face it and confront it let alone control and master it. I have come close in recent years to facing and somewhat understanding it but in doing so without completion all I have done is open that can, and released those worms. Now I have no means or method to wrangle them in.

So where do I go from here?


Do I spend a proportion of the day letting my emotions out, stopping the pain infect me further or do I swallow it down and say to myself, "Get on with it!"? One thing I do know is that I will at some point be walking out of this house for no predetermined amount of time to just be on my own in the world. No sounds (other than nature), no distractions........just me. Maybe the fresh air will blow away some of this, maybe the time spent in solitude will allow me to reflect and look inwards.

Whatever happens, today has started on a painfully, horrid foot and I need to shake this off or I will not be able to do anything else productive whatsoever and I will simply fester in it.

Final thoughts

I know this all seems extremely personal to be plastering all over Steemit, let alone the internet. However it has been mildly cathartic and maybe there are people out there in a similar way who can either offer advice or help that will actually help. I know I am hardly a beacon of wisdom but in understanding me better it may give some the desire to ask me for advice or support. Even with all my problems I can often be a good ear and shoulder. I am here for anyone and everyone.

Thank you for taking the time to read and put up with my depressing tale.

Love to you all out there. You're never ever alone.

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