47 Ways To Enhance Your Life and Personal Growth in 2018 🔥


Let's just dive into them right away!

  1. Create a to-do-list every morning, use an agenda or an app like Evernote or Todoist, or even Google Calendar or iCal

  2. Set goals and plan how are you going to achieve those goals. Your goal are your destination and the plan is your map on how to get there.

  3. Understand that motivation just doesn’t work. It is fleeting and you can’t rely on it. What you can rely on, is you habits. Make a list of 3 new habits you want to implement in your life in 2018.

  4. Start working out regularly - go to the gym, go running, go swimming at least 3 times a week. It will boost your immune system and improve your overall energy levels. It will also improve your look as well.

  5. Read the book “Tools of Titans”

  6. Read the book “Tribe of Mentors”

  7. Be sure to drink enough water! If you feel tired at 3 or 4 pm, you are probably just mistaken being tired with being dehydrated.

  8. You are 100 percent responsible for your life and what happens for it. Every time you blame something or someone you are giving away you power to do something about it. Don’t be a victim in this world. Be a leader who makes his own world.

  9. Create a morning routine that helps you engage with your goals every morning.

  10. Read at least 30 minutes everyday. Warren Buffet manages thousands of employees and billions of dollars in assets and still finds time to read for 5-6 hours a day. You can at least do it for 30 minutes.

  11. Understand that failure is not the opposite of success. It is a part of it. Don’t be discouraged if you failed at something. Learn from it, improve, and go hard at it again!

  12. Educate yourself on Personal Finances. Money won’t bring you happiness but will allow you to be who you want to be and to do what you want to do, and that my friend, will bring you real happiness.

  13. Make a priority to pay off all your debt. As a good friend said, if you do not have any debt, you are already a rich person.

  14. Start investing. I am talking about investing not speculating! You know nothing about investing? No problem! Go start by reading Robert Kiyosaki’s book “Guide to Investing”. Then expand from there.

  15. Connect with the 20 top performers in your industry. You probably spend 1 hour having lunch every day. They spend that time having lunch as well. Why not spend it together? Invite those 20 top performers to lunch. (For more about this read Kieth Ferrazzi’s book - Never Eat Alone)

  16. Stop taking your laptop and phone in bed with you. If you can’t sleep, take a book and start reading until you fall asleep. You’ll fall asleep a lot faster and sleep better.

  17. Wake up at the same time every day of the week. In about 2 weeks your body will adjust and you’ll wake up easier and feel more rested and energized.

  18. Give up perfectionism. Spending time on trying to make something perfect is usually just another way of procrastinating. Launch it, get feedback, and the improve it.

  19. Visit at least 3 new places every year. Discovering new cultures will greatly broaden your mind.

  20. Find a mentor.

  21. Your entourage has a huge influence on who you are. Make a commitment and spend the most of your time with the people who you’ll have a common future, not a common past.

  22. Drop the friends that do not impact your life in a positive way.

  23. Take time and compare yourself with the best people in your industry. Identify what’s separating you from them and start working on those areas.

  24. Take a dancing class. (You’ll thank me later.)

  25. Use your commute time productively. Listen to audiobooks or podcasts (Try “The Tim Ferriss Show, Tony Robbins Podcast, The Brendon Show, and other podcasts related to your industry).

  26. Go to the most important 3 summits organized for your industry in 2018.

  27. Give up TV. You are just being fed with the information other people want you to receive. Stop that, open your laptop or phone, and start reading and learning about the things YOU want, and do it from different sources, so you can make your own opinion.

  28. Don’t hate successful people. If you want to ever become successful, start appreciating them and learn from them.

  29. Stop saying “I don’t have time”. We all have the same 24 hours. Decide if that activity is worth your time and if not just say “It’s not a priority for me”.

  30. Stop trying to make it overnight. Building yourself takes time, so be patient but put in the work every single day.

  31. Realize that your most valuable asset is time, not money.

  32. Making an extra $500/month is cool, until you meet someone making $50,000 a month with less effort. You’re only impressed by the former because your standards are low.

  33. The cliche “Work Hard Play Hard” - When you work, be 100 percent in there, do your best work, and then go and relax at full speed.

  34. Expand your comfort zone as often as possible. Do the things that are scary, uncomfortable, and new. This is the best and fastest way to experience growth.

  35. Buy some online courses. Learn from the instructors and connect with like-minded people who share the same interests as your are.

  36. Give up compulsively watching TV Series or garbage YouTube vlogs. Spend that time watching courses, enhancing your knowledge, and connecting with awesome people.

  37. Create a not to do list.

  38. Create a list of the things you want to give up.

  39. Improve your nutrition ( Eat less sugar, drink less soda, eat less gluten products such as bread, pasta, etc.)

  40. Cultivate your self-discipline. Discipline equals success.

  41. Start waking up early. You’ll get 2-3 hours to work on your own most important projects. You’ll also get an amazing feeling of accomplishment from knowing that by the time most people wake up you have already worked 2-3 hours on your most important projects.

  42. Understand that it’s not who you know, but who knows you. Start working on your personal brand.

  43. Connect with the leaders and icons you admire. Figure out how can you stand out and help them for free.

  44. Stop going for the free and cheap stuff. Valuable information and actual experts cost a lot of money.

  45. Write gratitude notes to 10 of your best friends or people you admire.

  46. Schedule blocks of time for just thinking and strategizing.

  47. Choose your one thing. Stop focusing on multiple projects or businesses. Choose one, solely focus on it and make it great. Then you can start another one.

  48. Are you using social media to grow and enhance your personal network, or you just use it to ponder and procrastinate? You will probably benefit from reducing your usage.

  49. Go to a massage or a sauna once a week. Relax and nurture your body.

  50. Push yourself! Take your 5-10 years goals. Think about how can you achieve that in the next 6 months! Do that!

Thanks for taking the time to read this!

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I am Alin!

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