Fried cassava


Ingredients :

1 large cassava
2 cloves of garlic
1 tsp coriander
1 segment of turmeric
to taste salt
cold water ice cubes

after the mother finished preparing the material above then we advanced ketahap manufacture. we just see the full review of the way and the process of making the following

How to make :

Cassava skinned, split - fit according to taste. Clean wash

version 1, put the cassava that has been cut into pieces boiled water stew that has been given spices - fine spices. Boil until tender Lift. Drain

Fry in hot oil, medium heat until golden yellow.

This result is boiled. Bloom and tender

version 2, steamed cassava that has been cut - cut into half-cooked. In the still hot conditions, put the cassava into a container of cold water ice cubes mixed with fine spices. Hot process to cold will make this cassava cracked or cracked. Let stand 30 minutes-1 hour.

This is the result of using ice water immersion. Same tender and broke like cassava cheese. good luck

Cassava fried softly broke 2 ready made version, ready to serve!

Cassava Fried Brush with a soft texture is suitable for tea and coffee friends.

Good luck and good luck .

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