Meditation Can Improve Your Life

Meditation can restore the mind, soul, alleviate various health conditions, and fight memory loss.

Meditation can give you the coping skills to deal with daily stresses of life. This can be reviewing a favorite prayer or affirmation, in addition to slowing down your breathing. Pay attention to sights and sounds that relax you. This will help give perspective on solving problems in new ways.

Mediation can improve cognitive function and creativity said neurologist Dr. Romie Mushtaq.

“Practicing mindfulness, whether it’s simply taking deep breaths, or actually meditating or doing yoga, has been shown to alter the structure and function of the brain, which is what allows us to learn, acquire new abilities, and improve memory.”

Insomnia, anxiety, depression, and lowering high blood pressure can be combated with meditation. Meditation relaxes and allows the rational brain override the emotions. So, by stopping intrusive thoughts and emotions will result in better overall health and alleviate symptoms of illness.

Meditation-based therapy can help people addicted to foods, drugs, or alcohol. The mindfulness approach teaches that feelings don’t have to determine behavior. Being aware of how cravings come and go can enhance the ability to resist them, said scientist Clifford Saron of the University of California Davis Center for Mind and Brain.

Improve concentration with mind strength training. As we continue to meditate we work our mental muscles by blocking out distractions. Using meditation in this way decreases memory loss from age and improves short term memory.

Learning to meditate can still your soul and bring you closer to God. Focusing on His goodness, being thankful, and being still draws you closer into your relationship.

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