# Dear Steemian, What Do You Think Can Be Done To Beat Depression?

Dear Steemian,

I am struggling with a higher dose of anti-depressants, as if I take them they make me feel like a zombie all day and really tired and if I don't take them I get odd days when I am inconsolable.


I will be going to doctor's to go back on the lower dose, as I didn't get those side effects then, but are anti-depressants a necessary evil, or can depression be managed successfully by other means?

One thing that works for me sometimes is to write down all those emotions in my head into a poem. I can effectively empty my head of those negative thoughts in a creative way. Writing those thoughts down in a journal could also work, or thinking about all the things that you are grateful for in your life.


Another tactic that can work is trying to live in the moment. Taking the time to fully take in your surroundings with all your senses. Taste the air, smell the flowers, listen to the raindrops, touch the trees (hell give them a hug), see the beauty of nature. Or a piece of chocolate using all your senses and slowly savor the taste. Or take the time to realize how happy you are too with your partner or children and enjoy the moments of now.

Another one I am just researching is the law of attraction for depression...


The law of attraction is not a magical formula, where you wake up and you feel completely fine, it a way of life. This is not someone asking you to put up a facade of happiness or lie about how you’re feeling. The law of attraction is a total way of life and the aim is to cause a change in your mindset to bring you the ultimate happiness and quality of life that you deserve.

You Are Manifesting Your Depressed State

If you are already experiencing symptoms of depression, it’s almost certain that you’re manifesting it yourself. Of course, it doesn’t mean that bad things haven’t happened or that you need to sweep it under the rug and act like everything is perfect. What that statement means is that you have been chained to the negative aspects of your life for too long and that has made it difficult for the positive aspects of your life to express itself.

Constantly living in a depressed state is a sign that your thought patterns are knee deep in sadness just as if you stepped foot in a lake of quicksand. It seems you can’t get out of the situation, the more you struggle to rid yourself of such negative thoughts, the deeper you fall into a depressed state. This is true. Today, you need to change your approach completely, stop the constant struggle and find an effective way to slowly recover and avoid falling into the same trap in the future.

Mumbo jumbo, or worth investigating more?

Do you think that there is a medical necessity for anti-depressants, or do you think that by using a number of tactics to beat depression, it is possible to ditch the depression naturally?


Or is the best thing to do both, just to be on the safe side?

Yours Sincerely


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