To the enemies of Liberty

I'm upset tonight with the enemies of liberty around the globe. I know, it's no surprise. What set it off was that some authoritarian North American regulatory conglomerate (The North American Securities Administrators Association) has decided to tread once again on our free market.

I'm tired of it. I demand, as a free and sovereign individual that they meet the same demands that they demand of the cryptoverse. To the enemies of liberty, we demand transparency. We demand accountability. We demand you take a long look in the mirror and examine your actions. Examine your dying thrashes. Examine your irrelevance. Watch yourself die. And leave us alone.


We declare Independence. We declare that we can rule our lives better than you. We declare that we can transact better than you. We declare that we can decide better than you. You know this.

You're irrelevant.
You're regressive.
You're antisocial.
You're broken.

Liberty will win. Liberty. Must. Win.

The revolution will not be centralized. You will not be able to stop it. You're thrashing. You're wrenching. You're writhing.

We're winning. We feel it. We're not stopping.

Stay relevant.
It's coming.


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