North Borneo Labs Project- Content creation strategy updates

Hi readers,

It has been awhile we are missing in action from North Borneo Labs. We apologize for MIA for a month but it has be due to restructuring the way we deliver our content.

We found that our content material and style are mimicking too hard from the others post that we lost our way in creating content for the locals.

Therefore, this restructuring of our content creation will be heavily covering on local tech and blockchain development which will help the local to penetrate and understanding; literate on blockchain and not the pricing itself.

Although we witness the bear market on cryptocurrency which dropped us to 2.3T USDmarket cap , but it shall not be hindering us from participating this tech which bring us the WEB 3!

As we covered before, blockchain usage is not only limited to finance but also in :

  1. Airline Industry
  2. Education
  3. Government / Public sector
  4. Real Estate
  5. Food Industry
  6. Healthcare
  7. Supply chain
  8. Energy

For our readers who are just starting to learn about what is blockchain and cryptocurrency and what is the correlation between them, we sincerely hope that our contents would provide substantial information and insights for you in blockchain literacy.


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