Is The Worst Of the Supply Chain Crisis Behind Us Now?

The worst might be over already for the supply chain crisis, according to the chairman of the International Chamber of Shipping.

This is good news for those who are concerned about the empty shelves they might have been seeing lately.

While some have suspected that things might get incredibly worse, others have insisted that there is supply to go around and it is just about distributing it. With a variety of shortages and problems linked to the COVID-19 shutdown etc, the worst might already be behind us.

Stores in the UK, USA, Canada, and other regions, have had supply chain issues with shelves running dry for multiple goods. Things have also been getting more expensive. There is historic inflation running prices up on food and more in the U.S. and other regions too. It will be a more expensive holiday for millions this year.

Gas shortages have also been a concern in some places as well, linked to again supply chain and distribution issues. Vaccination mandates have caused issues, labor shortages, and more from the lockdowns, but the worst of the supply chain crisis might now be past us.

However, there is still concern about the req for federal vaccine mandates relating to truckers who are crossing the US borders which is supposed to come into play by the beginning of the year. If a large number of truckers quit their jobs as we have seen in other industries, with policing, fire fighting, nursing, and more, this could again cause more supply chain disruption.

Retailers have been looking to do everything they can not to cause a panic and to keep things flowing. This might mean rerouting shipments, looking for alternatives, or filling up empty space with other items to navigate those shortages. When going to the store you might notice that they do have plenty that is still available, though certain high demand items might be hard to come by right now.

Finding something suitable might require adapting and choosing alternatives for now until things settle down more.


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