Learn and earn with Thorchain!

I stumbled on this project by chance, and found it to good to not spread the word... especially when InLeo and Leodex are also involved!

I've learned about Thorchain through posts that I found in Leofinance, and it's now one of my favourite web3 projects: it's a project that allows swaps between native assets from different blockchains (without the need of "wrapped" versions), and much, much more! And they have now upped their game, by creating a fun way of explaining everything the blockchain does, AND rewarding you for learning at the same time!

Enter Thorchain University:

At thorchain.university you can start your learning journey into everything thorchain (and mayachain!). You have two options:

  • Heimdall's Quest: suited for the ones starting their journey in the web3 space.

  • The Bifrost School: for the ones with some experience already.

The latter is the appealing one, and I'm guessing that's where the vast majority reading this will start: this is because not only you learn, you also EARN at this school!

All you need is an web3 wallet, and you're good to go:

After clicking the Enroll button, the option to connect your wallet appears, and after you're done with that step, all the school's curriculum appears!

You have to do it in order, meaning you can't jump back and forth between the different levels (though you can take a sneak peak at every course to have an idea of what you will be learning). The different courses are really well made, and easy to understand. Each one takes you through a different subject, and normally finishes with a quiz, so you can test if you really learned the lesson.

What I'm really enjoying here: you learn by actually USING the blockchain! It's not just theory: to finish the different units in each module, you'll have to download wallets, perform swaps, interact with vaults; basically interact with Thorchain in a bunch of different ways!! And for me, this is by far the best way to learn: learn by doing!

You do need a tiny amount of funds to do some of the tasks... BUT as you complete them, there are airdrops waiting!

As you complete the modules, you can go to your claim page, and the Not available gets replaced with a Claim button.

As you can see, there are several different airdrop tokens! And these different airdrops far exceed the amount of funds needed to perform the tasks in the different units, so it's basically a win-win scenario! Besides, this kind or architecture probably helps deterring some bots and airdrop farmers, since you do have to start with some funds in your web3 wallet.

And among all the stuff you learn... look what I found in some of the modules:

LeoDex is featured, in the unit 201 about the different frontends where you can interact with the protocol. And not only LeoDex gets a shout...

InLeo gets to be mentioned too!

It's great to see this interaction, and Leodex is actually spotlighted as one of the main frontends to interact with mayachain; this is the best kind of publicity InLeo and Hive can get!

They even built their curriculum with some humour as well!

For the ones unfamiliar with Mr. Leroy, it was a name that went viral after a video during a WoW raid, where he went YOLO mode and caused the entire party to be wiped out. Probably not funny to anyone that hasn't played mmorpgs before; but for the ones that did... this is epic! Here's the original [video](), so you can see for yourselves if you haven't already.

If you haven't tried the BIfrost School, do give it a try; thorchain project is just amazing, and you will learn a ton about all it's features. It would be worth to do it just for the knowledge alone, even without any kind of rewards; the airdrops are just the cherry on top! The enrollment started not that long ago, so... get learning! ;)


Hive divider by doze.gif

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