Learn this and you will never be the same!

My dear little big Crypto Baby, here is a very important fact about how life works:

You become what you think — The Universal Law of Reaping and Sowing

I am going to explain you a very important universal law that seems to be connected to every facet on life on earth, I hope you enjoy.

Everything in the Universe operates on a set of Universal Laws or Principals. These laws cant be broken and they are always in affect, no matter where you are.

Some of there laws are physical, while others are quantum or spiritual laws that involve intentional properties.

The more scientists study the world on a quantum level, the more they are convinced of intelligent design.

Albert Einstein once said: “Every one who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe.”
The spiritual laws are just as reliable as the physical laws and they also affect every aspect of life on earth.

Ancient mystics and philosophers have known and talked about these spiritual laws for thousands of years.

But the majority of people are still uninformed. In this segment I am going to explain you how to use only one of these spiritual laws in order to create and shape your personal world.

What I am about to explain you, has the potential to change your life. If you mastered this one principal you can literally manifest anything in the physical world.

This information is so simple and so easy to use, that most adults will be turned off by its simplicity. For some odd reason humans will value anything complicated and totally disregard anything made simple.

Author and speaker William Golding once said: ”The greatest ideas are the simplest.”

And this is so true. There are many universal laws, but the one I will be talking about is the Law of Reaping and Sowing.

This Universal Law states: Whatever you plant in your mind will manifest in the outside world. Its just like planting an apple tree. You first gather rich fertal soil. You chose which apple seed you like to plant. You give it ample amount of water and sunlight. And when the time is right and the season is set, that seed has to sprout to a mighty apple tree.

The same goals with your life, except the soil is your mind, the seeds are your thoughts, the water is your actions and the sun is your feelings.

One thing I can guarantee: If you plant any idea in your mind and feel as if it is already yours and you go steadily towards it, it has to manifest. It has no choice. Because its a law.

But if this is the case, why do most people in life not get what they want?

It is simple: Most people do get what they want, because they are trained to focus and think about the things they dont want.
You might have heared the expression:

Energy flows where attention goes.
Whatever you focus on, expands. Its true. Everything is energy and all energy attracts similar energy. You cant put out negative energy and expect positive results. You cant plant apple seeds and expect pears. Likewise you cant do well on failure and produce any successful results.

If you are constantly thinking about the things you dont want to happen in your life or the things you fear, you are planting that seed. And based on the Universal Law of Reaping and Sowing it must germinate.

The mind or — human consciousness — seems to be literally connected to the fabric of reality.

Think about something long enough and strong enough and it has no choice but eventually appear.
Quantum physics agree to this idea. Time and time again the double slit experiment has proved a conscious observer is literally creating reality.

There are six words that I want you to memorize and stamp in your heart. These words will remind you to straighten up and think right. These words are:

You become what you think about.

As soon as you fully understand the meaning of this information, it has the potential to transform your life fully. As soon as you realize that your mind is a garden, you can begin to plant in it only the things that you want. It is mostly important to know exactly what you want to go ahead successful with planting your personal mind garden.

The best way to find out what you truly wish to manifest in your life is to write it down. Write down all your desires and wishes as crystal clear detailed as you can. No matter who you are and no matter where you are right now. The Universe makes no difference whether you are rich or poor, happy or sad, healthy or unhealthy.

The Universal Law of Rearing and Sowing will work out for all the seeds you truly wish to come true in your life and which you plant seriously in your mind garden.

Keep always in your mind: When you successfully plant your ideas in your mind, they will have to manifest. Visualize them every day if you want and as realistic as you can for the process of manifestation.

Over the time your mind set will change. And before you know it, things will start to happen around you. You start to attract the people, opportunities and ideas they help you to accomplish the goals that you set out.

Things manifest in divine timing. There are different seasons and cycles of life.
There is a season for sowing and there is also a season for reaping. You cant rush the process. Trust the process. You will discover that the process actually helps you to develop the skills that will manifest your future goals.

You actually evolve as a person while going through the process. You push to do things that you thought you never could do.

Once your goals get embedded into your subconscious mind you feel almost compiled to take action. Thoughts always proceed as actions. And no goal is ever manifested without action.

Since your mind is a garden, weeds tend to sprout up from time to time: The weeds of your negative thoughts. Thoughts of failure, thoughts of doubts. But unlike your apple tree, weed sprout up automatically.

Since we live in a world that is obsessed with drama and negative energy, we tend to subconsciously pick up on these negative vibrations. So every morning tend to your garden. Plug up any thoughts that don’t serve you. Find the weeds and dig them up by their roots.
Remember: As a successful gardener always cultivates their land, cultivate your mind for success, happiness, prosperity, kindness, forgiveness, love, abundance, and watch those seeds sprout and manifested in your life.

Life is a constant reaping and sowing. When you give, you receive. The energy you put out, is what you get back. How you treat others, is how you eventually will be treated. What you say about others, will be said about you.

As Florence Scovel Shinn would say: “The game of life is the game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy.”
If you master this simple Universal Law of Rearing and Sowing you will be able to create happiness in all areas of your life.

One thing you have to remember: Your thoughts are seeds and your mind is fertal land. The mind doesn’t care what you plant in it. It will always yield results. You can plant vegetables or you can plant weed. You can plant wealth or you can plant poverty. You can plant misery or you can plant happiness. Its all up to you. Because you are always reaping what you sowed.

Written for you with lots of Love and Light

Source: YouAreCreators.org

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