Coolest Rocks and Dirt You'll Ever See

Now who doesn't love staring at a bunch of rocks? In this case, the mesas found in New Mexico.

About a 4-hour drive west of Albuquerque is a small town called Gallup, home to many classic Western films and the famous El Rancho Hotel. But what I found fascinating was on the outskirts of town.

Photo taken by my smartphone at the time, an HTC somethingorother.

Everywhere there were these huge rock formations, many with a bright orange color. But seeing them in black and white, you can really focus on all the shadows and striations in the layers of dirt.

And everyone knows the one thing more interesting to look at than rocks is...dirt.

Just look at all that dirt! Look at it!

It almost looks like it's driftwood in this picture. Random guy for scale. He was kind of tall.

Don't you feel like you're in some old western film?

This definitely looks like a place for an ambush. Maybe we won't go there.

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