Poland has some good cliffs too!

I don't live in any exotic country and I as I said in my last post I didn't even have any opportunity to go somewhere but still when you can't work on what you want you work on what you have right?

According to this I still think my country can be beautiful and there is no doubt about that, and that's what I'm going to show you right now. Maybe those photos are not exactly landscapes, more like portraits, but still it was worth it and yes it was cold as f... REALLY COLD :D


At the seaside we have some beautiful cliffs and couple weeks ago I took my friends to a little hike, obviously I had my camera with me. It was little tuff to get there, because of lots of ice and snow but we wanted this photos so badly that we didn't even care when we slipped couple times :D


The problem was that my friend is afraid of heights, I mean not a problem for me, but he was just a little scared looking all the way down :D


Actually when I saw him in his brand new "yellow suit" I called him PIKACHU... actually I feel like I don't have explain why :D


After couple shots he was so frozen so he needed to wear his jacket, but I think it fitted pretty good to take some more shots.


Basically besides cold it was pretty dope hike! I showed you only one spot, but believe me there is a lot more beautiful places in Poland! :))
So what do you guys think about Poland? Or maybe have you been there? Tell me what are your feelings :)

You also check my work on Instagram:    500px32x32.png

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