Not always the cheapest way is the best; but having a beer, watching the sunset and hearing the waves of the sea are worth it.

Here is my entry for the landscapephotography contest . This time I want to tell you the story of the time I went to Oaxaca. From Mexico City to the state of Oaxaca are 690 km away, my friend Jackson and I were very bored and one day walking we saw this famous sign in the city that said 350 PESOS !! FIRST CLASS BUS TO OAXACA! And there we knew that it was our opportunity, that same night we traveled.

Esta vez les quiero contar la historia de la vez que fui a Oaxaca. Desde la ciudad de México hasta el estado de Oaxaca son 690km de distancia, mi amigo Jackson y yo estábamos muy aburridos y cierto día caminando vimos éste famosisimo letrero en la ciudad que decía 350 PESOS!! CAMIÓN DE PRIMERA CLASE CON RUMBO A OAXACA! Y ahí supimos que era nuestra oportunidad, esa misma noche viajamos.

The truck was not at all a first class truck which did not bother us (we always travel in the cheapest way possible) however, we had to sit in the last seats of the truck. after two hours I do not know if the engine was heating up or something but the truck looked like an oven !!

El camión no era para naaaaada un camión de primera clase lo cual no nos incomodo (nosotros siempre viajamos de la manera mas barata posible) sin embargo, nos toco ir sentados en los últimos asientos del camión, después de dos horas yo no sé si el motor se estaba calentando o algo pero el camión parecía un horno!!

And to our surprise we had to be in that truck for 14 hours! Without sleep, dying of heat and with our backs destroyed we finally arrived in Oaxaca !!

Y para nuestra sorpresa teniamos que estar en ese camión por 14 horas!! Sin dormir, muriendo de calor y con la espalda destrosada finalmente llegamos a Oaxaca!!

The only thing we wanted was to go to the sea and have a beer sitting on the sand; We look for a hostel and after that, LET'S GOOO! When we tried to reach the sea we discovered that we had to go down more than 100 stairs, the view was amazing, but we were so tired, finally we arrived and next to the waves of the sea, the sand and the sunset we were able to relax. And what better than with this beautiful landscape.

Lo unico que queriamos era ir al mar y tomar una cerveza sentados en la arena, buscamos un hostel y despues de eso VAMONOOOS! Cuando intentamos llegar al mar descubrimos que teniamos que bajar mas de 100 escaleras, la vista era impresionante, pero el cuerpo ya no podia con tanto cansancio, finalmente llegamos y junto a las olas del mar, la arena y el atardecer pudimos relajarnos. Y que mejor que con este bello paisaje.


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