Mommy's Mental Health: Milestone Celebration and Recap

Image Source: @Clairemobey
Birthday celebrations with @ZakLudick

Amongst all the busyness and craziness of the last few weeks, from my 1st real live performance and song releases to juggling preeteen politics and extended family drama, I've realised that I'm reaching burnout and started itching to write another "Mommy's mental health" post.

I haven't been taking my own advice and definitely need to start taking a closer look at those twitchy trauma triggers of mine.

It then dawned on me as I was scratching through my half dozen partially completed drafts, that I have reached an absolutely incredible milestone - I have reached 5 chapters!

That deserves a bit of celebration, and I figured I'd make this post so that those of you who've enjoyed and engaged with me on the previous chapters, can catch up on any you've missed. I'll be publishing chapter 6 later this week, so please do keep an eye out!

Image Source: @clairemobey
Mommy's Mental Health: Chapter 1 - New Year, New Me, New Boundaries

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Mommy's Mental Health : Chapter 2- ADHD, Mogwais and Gremlins

Image source: @clairemobey
Mommy's Mental Health: Chapter 3 - Journey from 1 to 3

Image Source
Mommy's Mental Health : Chapter 4 - Valentines-Schmalentines

Image Source: Claire Mobey
Mommy's Mental Health: Chapter 5 - Daring to Dream and braving the Imposter

Thank you for joining me on this mentally disturbed journey and for having a good laugh and sometimes, shedding a tear with me. My mental health posts are 100% authentic, and although I must add that I am not a mental health practitioner, I hope you find healing and relatability in my words and stories and that I have let you know that you're not alone. We all stumble and fall and we are all so much more than the stories we've collected about ourselves. If you need help, I implore you to go find it. Whether it be confiding in a friend, through your religion or through a professional mental health practitioner, I want you to remember that you don't have to do this alone.

These posts have been super awesome for me personally, as it's given me the opportunity to share my story, do fascinating research, experience cathartic healing and reach out and make connections with people across the whole world.

Apparently I'm not the only monkey in this circus we call life 🙈💕

I can't wait to share the next "Mommy's Mental Health" installment with you!

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