5 Natural Materials Will Be A Solution To Whiten Teeth Naturally


In general, the main cause of yellow teeth is caused by bad habits such as drinking coffee, drinking tea and smoking but rarely brush teeth. The content of nicotine in cigarettes, tannins in tea and caffeine in coffee is the biggest cause of yellowing of teeth.

Having yellow teeth is certainly not something fun. In addition to being able to reduce the confidence when talking to someone, yellow teeth certainly indicate our teeth are not healthy. For that, it needs immediate handling to overcome this.

The easiest and quickest way to cope with yellow teeth is to come to the dentist and clean the tartar. But of course, it costs not cheap.

Before you decide to come to the dentist, maybe the following natural way can be a cheap alternative that you can try to restore the color of your teeth to a clean white. Here is how to whiten yellow teeth naturally.

1. Brushing teeth
Brushing gini regularly is the best way to keep teeth clean. But if the teeth are already yellow, special toothpaste is required.

2. Orange peel
Kandungan vitamin C yang terkandung yang terkandung pada kulit jeruk dapat digunakan untuk memutihkan gigi. Cara penggunaannya cukup sederhana, cukup gosokkan kulit jeruk bagian dalam (yang berwarna putih) pada gigi. Lakukan secara teratur setiap hari dan gigi akan menjadi putih secara alami dan cepat.

3. Areca nuts
Biji pinang juga menjadi salah satu bahan alami untuk memutihkan gigi. Cara penggunaannya yakni dengan cara membakar biji buah pinang hingga hangus lalu dihaluskan hingga lembut. Biji pinang yang sudah halus tersebut kemudian di gosokkan ke gigi menggunakan sabut pinang atau kain katun

4. Baking soda
Baking soda is also known to remove the stains found on the tooth layer

5. Milk and yogurt
Calcium found in milk and yogurt in addition to beneficial to strengthen teeth is also useful for whitening teeth.

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