Introducing my blog

Hello! As my first article on steemit I'd like to introduce what I will be publishing from now on. I will be working on two or three series of articles regarding k-pop, the Hallyu wave, and other Korea related topics.

The first series is named K-pop Analysis. As k-pop and Korean culture gets more popular so does the number of curious but uninformed people, who want to take part in it, or the opposite, they want it gone. This series of articles will be mainly focused on analyzing k-pop from every angle possible, with a mostly positive overview (because I’m a supporter of it), but trying to also convey its dark sides and mistakes, seeking to learn and grow out of them. The reason behind this series is to inform people properly about k-pop but is primarily because I would like people on the western side of the world to learn from them and implement some of their models, ideas or behaviors on their business, their art, or even their personal lives. The concepts I will be talking about in here are not exclusive from k-pop, they are applicable to our everyday life, so even if you (the reader) are not a fan of k-pop or are not interested enough to inform yourself about it, it could still be of some help in your life, your business or your relationships, so I humbly invite you to follow me and read the future articles.

The second series is named How to live a good life as a good K-pop fan. And no, this is not to teach you how you should follow your artist better or something like that. Instead, it is a space to regard the hardships, the bad things we do to ourselves and the bad things people see on us, it is not to criticize but to learn and grow to be better people.

The third series is named Positive Outcomes, and it is nonetheless to showcase any positive outcome the world has received from k-pop and to pick up some Korean habits or behaviors that would make the world a better place.

So, all in all, this is a space to expand even more the Hallyu wave, to get people on the wave, but leaving a positive impression on our lives. I love k-pop since a long time ago, and I want it to be a positive force in my life, I truly believe it could be a positive experience for a lot of people. But I also know that many people have a negative perception of it or its fans and I want to put my little grain of sand on changing that.

Thank you all for reading! I hope to see many of you later!

PD: As of now, I'm planning to publish articles on Saturdays, when I'm more accustomed to it I will add other days of the week to publish.
PD2: Other articles regarding Korea and its culture, as well as k-pop, might come up from time to time.

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