Why S.Korea might be the best place on earth to visit, From freesamples from every business to free delivery of Mcdonals to worlds fastest internet! and one day we'll pay for plane tickets with our STEEM profit.

Why S.Korea might be the best place to visit in the near future (future plane tickets paid for by your future STEEM, DASH or ETH or other crypto currency profit!)

Customary large free samples from almost every business like face cream or chicken tendies(not even kidding)

Free delivery from any restaurant even McDonalds and on fast traffic beating scooters

Cheap internet gaming bars to play new pc games on Worlds fastest internet!

no open container law, drink freely outside! so you can drink outside minimarts with friends to save monet instead of spending more at a bar!

Amazing airport with Golf and ice skating rink

largest department store on earth in Pusan

24 hour malls and stores/markets selling everything

24 hr clubbing party scene...


massive stadium sized videogame tournaments (even for starcraft!)

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