The way to my heart...

This weeks #killerpix theme is Valentine’s Day ❤️❤️❤️

My idea of a perfect Valentine’s Day?! - pizza, always pizza, and maybe some bubbles and a nice card with some thoughtful words in it... but as long as there’s pizza, I’m a happy girl. Me and the hubs have never really gone all out for V Day, but a heart shaped, cheesy, pepperoni delight, is ALWAYS received with love.


This was last year, and one of the small pizzas - there were a few we devoured, along with buckets of garlic and herb dip, and cookies. We intend on doing exactly the same this year.

(How many times can I say pizza in one post?! Hungry yet? 🍕🍕🍕)

However you celebrate Valentine’s Day - have a good one, doing it your way.

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