My Keto Journey

As of today, June 9, 2018, i am 38 days into the keto WOE "way of eating". 19 pounds down and becoming a believer in myself and this lifestyle. Let me start off by telling you im a southern gal, and all of my life i have been a foodie. We southerners celebrate everything with food....and not just food, but good ole deep fried southern comfort food, washed down with copious amounts of the nectar of the Gods ...aka sweet tea.

Now, in my 20s my metabolism showed me mercy, but after the birth of my second daughter, it was no longer as kind. Almost 16 years later, i have allowed the weight to linger to the point that i was afraid for my wellbeing.

I decided to give the keto diet a try, but i really wasn't sure that i would make it past a few days before i would cave in and revert back to my usual way if eating. My willpower level when it comes to food has been NILL!

Each day on this journey has gotten a little bit easier. Now that i am not in carb overload, i don't feel hungry as often, i stay satiated for most of day, i have much more energy and i am losing weight.

I am still new to this lifestyle but i am learning. As time goes on, i hope to be able to log my milestones and successes. Mostly for myself, but also to encourage those of you who are beginning this journey or are contemplating it.

I cannot promise myself that i will not have failures, but i am making this commitment each day, one day at a time, and, Y' on day 38!!!!!!!!!

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