East meets East Breakfast Scramble

Once again, pushing the boundaries where tradition meets creative license... another East on East success! Chi-panese Breakfast Scramble...(the recipe is in the comments on my page, cuz I know somebody's gonna ask).

Here we go...2 T each toasted sesame oil and coconut oil in a skillet over high heat...sauté 2 T minced shallot, 3 cloves minced garlic, 1 T minced pickled (or fresh) ginger, 1 minced large Crimini mushroom and 1/2 C shredded Chinese broccoli greens. Add 1 T soy sauce (or liquid aminos) and Shichimi Togarashi pepper to taste (I used a heaping 1/2 tsp) and stir in 3 oz of Seaweed salad (1 carb/oz or less). Stir in eggs and cook to desired doneness. Garnish with pickled ginger and toasted sesame seeds. 5 carbs max. Flavor? Off the charts! #shamelessinseattle
East on East egg dish.jpg

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