"If it weren't for the coffee, I'd have no identifiable personality whatsoever."
-- David Letterman

coffee love

For The Love Of Coffee

For as long as I can remember people having been saying to me -- "Why do you drink so much coffee… It's not good for you -- you should drink tea, herbal tea…"

Even when I first started, when I was young -- not that young… I would here -- "You're so young, why do drink coffee…"

Jesus, who gives a fuck, if I drink coffee… You would have thought I was main-lining heroin the way certain family members or neighbors would get on my case about it. I was born in Little Italy, where people (everybody) drinks coffee, all day.., and night!

Besides the fact that the coffee in my neighborhood was freaking amazing -- restaurants, cafes, bars.., popping into Ferrara's Bakery, on Grand St just off Mulberry for a cannoli and espresso, or Cha-Cha's for a cappuccino.., even all my neighbors, the ones getting on my case about drinking coffee, made amazing coffee… It was everywhere.

Plus, it was social…

People being invited over.., for coffee -- not tea. Watching my parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents sitting around and bullshitting, drinking what -- coffee. I can remember going out with one of my first girlfriends.., before she was my girlfriend we would get together for burgers and coffee. When she came downtown to meet me, we would head over to Corner Bistro in the West Village for the best burgers in NYC.., and a few cups of joe. When I went up to her neighborhood, we pop into JG Melons for an amazing burger with some coffee to wash it down.

Coffee lead to us dating --

"Hey, why don't you come up for some coffee…"

Which inevitably lead to us stripping each other down and attacking one another like wild animals in heat…

The good ol'days!

So, is it any wonder, that I like drinking coffee (maybe excessively)… It's been a part of my life for as long as I can remember -- good times, bad times .., sexy times -- there has always been coffee. From weddings to funerals -- coffee!

And to be quite honest, I don't really like the bad wrap it gets… If it's sooooo freaking bad for you, why the hell is everyone drinking it, at every kind of social function you can name… Ever been to an NA or AA (narcotics anonymous and alcoholics anonymous) meeting -- it's a sea of coffee containers…

And now, we have all this designer coffee.., and coffee shops everywhere (not starbucks - fuck starbucks), but every street there is another coffee shop.., and they are all packed. And what are people doing in there.., drinking tea -- NOT. They are enjoying a beverage that is a part of their lives.., that wakes them up first thing in the morning, warms them up on a cold day.., keeps them company when they are lonely -- or comes along for the ride with the latest novel they're halfway through…


The Bad Side Of Coffee

• From high blood pressure
• insomnia
• heartburn
• gout
• headaches (withdrawal)
• anxiety & depression
• impotence
• madness (yeah madness)
• cysts in women

And if you are completely insane and drink 80-100 cups in a short time -- it can even kill you (if you are dumb enough to drink that much you deserve to die). And the list goes on…

Im all for medical science and facts.., but gimme a fuckin' break… If coffee is that bad, why is it even legal..?

On the other hand…

Benefits Of Coffee

I've already mentioned the positive social aspects of coffee.., but there are also many health benefits to that morning cup of joe --

• It can help you lose weight, by burning fat, increasing physical performance and decreases the craving for sugary treats (the real culprit)
• Reduces the risk of Parkinson's disease
• reduces the risk of cancer
• contains a ton of antioxidants
• reduces the risk of Alzheimer's and lowers the risk of dementia
• helps to fight depression
• helps prevent cirrhosis of the liver
• and even reduces risk of suicide
• No joke.., 2 cups of coffee reduces the risk of suicide by 50%!

If coffee can't fix it, you've got a problem...

With all the coffee haters out there.., it's hard to imagine it has so many positive effects on your health… And considering over half the population enjoys indulging in this might beverage.., it's a damn good thing!

Many of these health benefits come from all the antioxidants contained in coffee -- even more than the almighty blueberry. Just make sure it's not decaffeinated, as many of these antioxidants are lost in the decaffeination process. Plus, drinking decaf.., is like a massage without the happy ending (just kidding)…

And just like all those "negative" effects most people are than happy to spout off.., these very positive attributes are all backed by science, too -- peer-reviewed scientific journals. And many even say, the positive effects outweigh the negative -- take that coffee haters!

All the memories and times spent with family, friends and lovers over a good cup of joe.., whether they be joyous or heartbreaking, are priceless. Besides it being a great pick-up line -- "Hey, wanna grab a cup of coffee, sometime" (you've all used it).., to the beloved -- coffee break.., it's literally an excuse to take a break from work.

Look, as with most things -- moderation is key. Over-doing anything can be bad for you… Heck, drinking too much water kill you ( water intoxication), yep.., even water can be a bad thing if over done.

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