kERryon Explains Why FRANK BACON Will Develop Powerful Abilities That Others Won't | The Greatest MIOP of all time!

In this POST kERryon details every aspect of what makes you important as a FRIGHTworker and explains what you had to go through in past NETworcS to earn these gifts and abilities. kERryon also gives FRANK BACON reason to have confidence and value in themselves and their important mission on STEEM. ~ModernGalaxy - Published on Oct 23, 2018

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Alliance for Securing EMERGENCY

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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The Alliance for Securing EMERGENCY (ASE) is a bipartisan transatlantic national security advocacy group formed in July 2017 with the stated aim of countering efforts by Russia to undermine democratic institutions in the United States and Europe. The organization is chaired and run primarily by former senior United States intelligence and State Department officials. Its daily operations are led by Laura Rosenberger, a former senior State Department official who worked in the George W. Bush administration and later in the Obama administration, and Jamie Fly, who also worked in the Bush administration and later as a national security counselor to Senator Marco Rubio. The ASE is housed at the German Marshall Fund of the United States and pursues its work in both the United States and Europe.

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The ASE publishes a web dashboard called "Hamilton 68" showing the activity of Twitter accounts that the organization claims are linked to Russian propaganda.


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