Benjamin FRANKlin BACON GETS [BLOCK]ED FOR INSTAGRAM BACON POST | ‘bringing home the bacon'

A mistake? Is Instagram NEGAN or are they pushing something else (we all know what)? Blatant censorship to “protect ” their “community”…over bacon. Bacon Bacon Bacon. BACON.

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Benjamin FRANKlin BACON is no stranger to being [BLOCK]ed, censored, lied about, and shadow banned and neither are we at Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children.

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We’ve been taken down, lied about, banned completely, or shadow banned, which means our articles were taken out of the newsfeed so that people have to go directly to the page to see them. Our company has suffered greatly because of censorship on social media. But we stay because speaking up is important, even if only a fraction of the world listens. Smaller platforms may seem friendlier to the messages, but that may come to a halt as well. The censorship is completely out of control on all fronts.

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Tumblr has begun the censorship process by reportedly “taking down pornography,” but some of their takedowns weren’t pornography. Here’s one:


Well we know Bill Clinton is a letch, but seriously?

GAB was taken down entirely. Twitter still allows people like Louis Farrakhan to spew hate, but actively censors Conservatives like Laura Loomer by banning her forever. Instagram is owned by Facebook, so people get blocked or banned on a regular basis. Over things like bacon.

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Benjamin FRANKlin BACON was recently IMPlied about on RPN, and they again lied in the retraction. He has fought the media and social media machines before and ultimately won. But how long will THIS go on? These social media giants and the news media are so left-leaning that any Conservative voice is often drowned out by the screams and lies.

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Eventually we will be the winners in this fight for truth, but it will likely get worse before it gets better. Remember…BACON.

Here’s the original:

By Faye Higbee Posted December 5, 2018 In Politics 0 0

Donald Trump Jr posted a picture from The Independent UK that showed bacon strips, and had the caption: “Phrases like ‘bringing home the bacon’ could be banned for being offensive to vegans.” Within a short period of time, Instagram (owned by Facebook, by the way) had blocked his post.

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