Better Sleep Helps You Get A Healthier Life (A Complete BluePrint To Science Of Sleep)

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Everything in the world, be it human, be it an animal, be it an object, a vehicle, a motor, a machine, that is doing something, consuming its energy, needs to halt its activity for a certain duration of time, so as to feel fresh and have its body mechanism work smoothly. As far as humans are concerned, working and engaging in different activities for longer hours of time can certainly cause the human mind and body to stress out, therefore a human needs to have adequate amount of sleep during the night time, to have his body and mind refreshed and re energized. 

What is Sleep?
As discussed earlier, sleep can be defined as state which every human being experiences every night that incorporates an indolent nervous system accompanied by relaxed body muscles whilst exhibiting a nearly inactive consciousness. 

The Purpose of Sleep 

But why do we sleep? Why is it so necessary for every individual out there to have some sound sleep? Why do we feel lethargic and dull when we come to work in the morning and we were not able to get proper sleep in the night? The answer to all these questions is straightforward, Doing work consumes energy, lesser energy results in more fatigue, resting restores your energy back to an adequate level and relaxes your nerves and body, as a result of which you are again at your 100% charged level when you are awake the next morning. Sleep has its multiple purposes, those are explained as under.

 The Revival Of Your Mind And Body 

When you work, you walk, you run, you solve some complex tasks, you lift some weight etc, all such activities tend to consume your physical energy as well as brain’s energy. So if you keep doing what you have been for longer hours, ultimately you will experience a considerable degradation in your performance which is because of exhausting of your body and brain . At this time, significant amount of metabolic waste gets accumulated within inside the brain and the brain therefore signals the mind to think about falling asleep, that is when you utter those words: Oh God! I’m too tired now and I am feeling too much sleepy now. Now when you are asleep, the metabolic wastes that had previously accumulated into your brain, begins to wipe out slowly and steadily until you are awake next morning, so now you are back again, fit and refreshed , with all your mind and body relaxed and yourself being motivated to continue your daily tasks for the day. Happy Going! Isn’t it? The second purpose of sleep is memory consolidation. A sound sleep is deemed essential for better and improved memory functionality. You have to devise a consolidated budget plan to meet the financial tasks of your firm the next day and you are struggling to get some sleep late in the night time, this is surely going to make adverse consequences onto your next day’s meeting. Your mind is too low on energy that it doesn’t even remember how to focus properly, as sleep deprivation has caused its abilities to become standstill  Sleep is Essential for metabolic Health: Proper sleep is essential to save us from the havocs of mental and physical illnesses, studies have well demonstrated the fact that sleep deprivation is the main factor that contributes towards the onset of life threatening diseases like heart disease and diabetes.

How to Sleep Better 

Before going to sleep, your mind should be relaxed, you should quit doing any physical or any cognitive assignment. Try to lay down without thinking too much and just relaxing your mind or start reading a page or two from any book of your interest, but keep yourself away from using electronic items before going to sleep. Switch off lights, turn off the television and mobile phones, as the light produced from these accessories tend to hinder the process of acquisition of sleep state due to hindrance caused in the production of sleep harmones.

Using Mental Repose Techniques

Insomnia which is a condition possessing sleep deprivation and trouble falling asleep. The following techniques need to be adapted to effectively minimize this sleep problem. Deep breathing exercises , Meditation , Keeping a gratitude journal (write down something you are thankful for each day), Exercise .

Better Sleep Guidelines

 Walk as much as you can, go outside, get some fresh air, sit with your loved ones, talk yourself out, share good thoughts, cheer up yourself and be happy before the bed time. It is always a good idea to minimize the blue light in your surroundings as well as reducing the light intensity level when night begins. Cut down on your habit of drinking coffee as it includes caffeine in it . If you find it difficult to have it reduced, try having only cup of coffee in a day. 

Natural Ways To Fight Sleep Deprivation Exercise. Do exercise, if not daily, than atleast thrice a week. Exercise is responsible for stimulation of your body tissues, they get stretched out, you feel amazing and energetic by having your body undergoing some tough physical routine. After finishing the exercise, your body is now well under stable state, refreshed and re energized.  

Temperature. The best range is usually between 65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 21 degrees Celsius). Sound. Always try to make your room a calm, peaceful and a queit place before heading to your bed. 

Alcohol. Quit Alcohol consumption completely.     

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