Thank you,miss Hoh in Singapore💛

Hello, everyone!

While waiting for a big game between Japan and Poland,I would like to share one of my happy memories which occurred in Singapore.
Since my daughter was small, she was crazy for Gingerbreadman doll.(from the movie Shrek)

Several years ago, my family visited Singapore on the trip.
We usually buy our breakfast at supermarket nearby hotel and on that day, we were shopping as usual.
Suddenly, my daughter found Gingerbreadman's really cute doll and hugged it ."He is the last one,mother"she said.
We hurried to cash register to pay, but terrible fact was discovered!!.....The doll was not for sale!!


A lady at the register explained that the doll is kind of premium which is to be given to a person who gathered points of a corresponding item.
We two were so disappointed and sad.
My daughter could not get over the doll.

After a persuasion,we decided to leave the shop and moved to other shop to change my daughter's feeling.
She looked so sadly.

As we walked by,I noticed someone's loud voice behind.

"Wait,miss!!"....It was that lady at the register and she run toward us while brandishing a sheet of paper".This is,"she continued"points I gathered over a long time! I can give your daughter my points with pleasure. please use them to get the doll!"HOW SWEET OF HER

I could see that it took her long time and money to fill up the point sheet .She smiled and said"it's my hobby to collect points and I didn't do it for the premium.So you don't have to worry about it. I am happy if you and your daughter feel happy"

We received her warm feelings , points and the doll!!We named the doll"Hoh-san(Mr.Hoh).Can you see the reason?

It's her name!

Since the travel,Hoh-san lives in our house happily and now he has so many friends around .


We always remember her and appreciate her kindness. Other people of Singapore were also very nice and friendly. Thank you Miss Hoh again

*Can you find the original Hoh-san in this picture??lol

waiting for your follow and upvote,thank you

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