お客様からのクリスマスプレゼント Christmas present from a customer


We have regular customers at my work. Two of the customers are an 80-year-old couple. They are longtime customers. They usually come a few times a week. They always use the same table and order the same food. The old lady likes " Nabeyaki-udon," and the old guy loves "Gold dragon roll" which is salmon and avocado on top of a California roll. The owner told me he used to have two rolls every time he came to the restaurant but recently, he only orders one roll.


They always come in with their canes and say "Hi" with a big smile. They greet the owner by saying " Hey! My son!" They are always joking, and they are hilarious.
They came yesterday as usual, and as soon as I see the old guy's face, I started to make a Dragon roll. He always looks so happy when the roll comes right away.


It was crazy busy at dinner time even though it was Thursday which is usually one of a slower days. Orders kept coming, and I was working hard, and I was also exhausted.
He came up to me and said "Merry Christmas" while handing me a letter.


It's a pretty Christmas card and has $20 in it.
The Christmas card said:
"Thank you for the Golden Dragon Rolls."
It made me so happy.

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