Introduction and Expectation

Introduction from a newbie

Hi ya'll, My name Cookie, real name's Earl.
Don't really wanna say much about myself coz I'm not that interesting.
Imma just hit it up with some words.
Here I go!
Male, 90s kid, single but has a girlfriend, programmer, foreigner, Asian,
, FOOOOOD!!!, yeah! capital letters and a lot of O's on that one, Japan, anime, cooking, cleaning, gaming, sleeping, hiphop music, k-pop music, japanese music, in general if it sounds good to me I.F. wit it, writing, reading, boring computer stuff.
Yeah that probably sums out most of the things about maself.

Main goal is to make interesting blogs to bring joy to people. I know life is F'n hard to all
of us, I mean my life is basically - wake up, eat, work, home, sleep and then repeat that shit all over again for a weak. Well I dunno much about ya'll but that's pretty much ma life right now. ๐Ÿ˜…
Shit's repeating everyday, you'd thought you'd get used to it already. ๐Ÿ˜†
bat naaah ๐Ÿ˜ฃ, as humans we need something more!
Being just alive won't cut it, we need to live it! That's what I always say to myself.
So I always find some time to do what I wanna do, I mean we all should.
Making money is good but don't devote your life into doing it. Maybe a bit subjective but that's just how I feel.
You can always get back the money you spent yesterday, but you can never get back the time you spent.

Well enough of the deep talk ish, let's go back to me, cuz this post is supposed to be an INTRO, ๐Ÿ˜†whatever.

Well I live in Japan, been here for like 5 years now. And there are a lot of things that I see in the internet about Japan that sets expectation to a lot of people. And most of the things, I do agree, like polite people, lots of beautiful places, clean streets, fast trains, yup those are all true, and it may seem like a magical place, like a fantasy world straight out of an anime, Yes an anime, I won't say fairytale, cuz anime is more badass.
But this country also has it's problems. Believe me there a lot of social issues here also. Just like most of the places in the world, I will also explain that in details on my future posts.

I will not be biased with my posts. The goal is to set real life expectations, and not some fantasy bullshit, likewise, I will also include my short comings as well, as much as I can.
Let's be real fam, If I like it, then I say it, if I don't like some parts of it, I will also say it. I want to portray a realistic image of the places I have been to as much as I can.

Traveling here is awesome, but damn expensive as well, so I always save up before I pack my bags. Here are some of the places I have been to. I only have a smartphone as a camera so the pic quality are shit, but I guess it will do for now. I'm saving up for a DSLR as well, so ya'll please look forward to that.

without further a do:

Shirakawago in Gifu
cold as fuck but beautiful. They have spirit lifting, childhood remembering, almost tear jerking hot soba. But cold tho so go at your own risk. Better go there in a warmer season.

Historical place, with a lot of old streets and old buildings. No worries the radiation from the bomb is all gone, I think. lol Really nice place if you love history

Himeji in Hyogo
One of my goto places, it's not that crowded has a good downtown. And has the best castle in Japan. Yes the best man! Fight me!!

Kamikochi in Nagano
Has one of the best mountain views you will ever see in Japan, water is clearer than my future.
Perfect place to camp. That's my girlfriend. I said, walk, Imma take a picture you can put in your encylopedia. lol

Sapporo in Hokkaido
Definitely one of the places that has the best FOOOOD!!, You can't go wrong with food bro,
So you can't go wrong in Sapporo, just get be ready if you going there in winter. lol

PS: Special thanks to Wietzel my friend, she introduced me to this platform. I appreciate u

#introduceyourself #hiveph #Japan #lifeStyle #beHappy #Cookie

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