2023, November

Prism Star Wars Wednesday the first day of November of 2023. Xia Land Thursday. Benny Hinn US Debt Friday. Ron Paul on Glenn Beck Saturday. Discord TikTok Party Sunday. Crowder Broke Nashville Manifesto Monday. Socks12 Nuked my Discord Server Tuesday. TikTok September Strike Today, Oatmeal/Ra Left Discord Wednesday. TikTok Strike Appeal Won For Ninja Thursday. Sperm count down over 90% Friday. Happy Birthday Chrissie Mayr Saturday.

Disney Epstein Grooming, TikTok Cougar Comment Banned Sunday the 12th. Oatmeal Army, Cold Buckets Monday. Mark Dice on Alex Jones, LEGO Oatmeal Tuesday. 20+ Million Covid Vaccine Deaths Wednesday. Alex Jones Game/Russell Brand, Candace Owens Ben Shapiro Thursday. Hitler IBM Eugenics vs Elon Musk, Oatmeal Austin Powers Friday. Oatmeal Challenge Saturday.

Potluck. My Lolcow Discord Server Trolls Sunday the 19th. Elon Musk vs Media Matters Monday. Leaving Discord Tuesday. Black Lives Matter/Palestine Lives Matter? Wednesday. Cyborg AI Danger Thanksgiving Thursday. Lolcow Troll Fish Going Crazy in Oatmeal Narnia Friday. Brony Breakup Saturday. Simpcast Fake Nudes Sunday the 27th. Flat Earth, Alphabet History, World Maps, AI Hell Monday. Starving Owen Shroyer in American Prison Tuesday. ELON MUSK SAID GO FUCK YOURSELF DISNEY Wednesday. Oatmeal Milking His Lolcows Thursday.

November | 2023
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Milking my lolcow trolls

Oatmeal Monthly - 2023-11 - November of 2023 | Published in November of 2023


Prism Star Wars

2023-11-01 - Wednesday

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Simpsons, Burns married a scam chick

Prism Star Wars. Germ theory (seeds of disease) may date back to 1546 (Italy). Alex Jones was explaining what was happening during the Civil War. Surgical masks begun rising during the Joseph Lister era. Antiseptic means against your septic tank/sewer as in they didn't know it was bacteria. Alex Jones was talking today about Elon Musk who was on Joe Rogan. Disease was crashing in the 1930s but started skyrocketing back up thanks to shots, vaccines, which have been around for centuries but not as popular until the 20th century, Alex Jones was talking about how masks only made the Covid Lockdown Scam worse.

American Imperialism is what they teach children in school, the truth is the United States has been captured, infiltrated, slowly over centuries, the problem isn't so much the spirit of our founding fathers, George Washington, and others. Amazon gives people free college so you can be brain washed and be good little slaves of the New World Order.

If you want to be promoted, share a rare photo, video, meme, information, content, etc, as it relates to me, but it cannot be something from this Discord Server or anywhere on Discord in general. It needs to be rare enough. Surface level stuff may not count.

Xia Land

2023-11-02 - Thursday

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Xia Land

If the U.S. government is able to steal the election from Trump again in 2024, then the Neo-Hitler tyranny will begin locking up thousands of people. If you think things are bad now, it will be a thousand times worse within years. Alex Jones reporting. Plug your Discord Servers, social media networks, video platforms, websites, and whatever else you want here and in my Discord as well.

What is @Xia_Land doing? She is live with @MaribethRosie. My dad's a drunk, so I try staying away from beer. There are all kinds of addictions including tech which means we always need not just AA meetings but also Tech Anonymous (TA) meetings too.

Biden Taylor Swift Romance since 1989.

Benny Hinn US Debt

2023-11-03 - Friday

US Debt Website

US Debt Clock is a crazy website. The debt is moving up, you can go to websites to watch it in live time. Timcast.

Benny Hinn said God may not carry the older Christians, babies need more care, miracles, healing, help, that you can be stronger as you grow older and deeper in the principles and philosophy of eternity. I'll be 40+ in 14 months. Cannot wait.

Discord is a circus prism house of distorted mirrors, determining what's fake news and what's oatmeal introduction is impossible to do when looking at a pencil in a glass cup of water, finding out what is truly reality with me can be determined by studying my annual patterns etc.

Ron Paul on Glenn Beck

2023-11-04 - Saturday

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Dating with the ability to see so many/much online/TV/movies/magazines/etc influences us whether we know it or not subconsciously, we can fall for the grass is greener on the other side as excessive options paralyzes us towards normality as we're numbed/clouded towards apathy.

Don't join my Discord Server cuz trolls had cops swat my family/said they sent bombs/they doxed me/tried taking out credit cards as they have my SSN, many trolls join my server in order to destroy my life/they scare away everybody else who try to join/they're stalking me online.

Ron Paul graduated from college in 1957, got married, he said that was so meaningful. Ron got into politics in 1976. When he talked about the Federal Reserve, people thought he was crazy. Cooler than Selena Gomez.

Discord TikTok Party

2023-11-05 - Sunday

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Xia Anderson at Xia Land

My Discord Server Trolls spam fake news about me. In debunking this, my rebuttal, my side of the story, will have four main chapters being action, counteraction, reaction (which is the source of the fake news), and interaction (which is where we are right now). To be continued.

In my Discord Server, people like hoodbarber @ hoodpriest2 are trolling away new people like @ catnipchip with fake news. I'd only ask people to hear my side of the story which I'm still working on presenting. My outline might be action, counteraction, and reaction. Those three. When people join my Discord Server, trolls spam them with fake news, but would you want me to present my side of the story in the ⁠oatmeal channel?

My Discord Server is full of trolls threatening to send bombs as they know where I live, they have my SSN, FBI refuses to get involved, they had police swat my family, they spam the world fake news while trying to bury my side of the story which I'm still publishing/uploading.

My Discord Server Trolls spam fake news about me. Some support me on TikTok. It is kind of odd as I am not even that famous to have this many trolls stalk me, but thank you so much Rose, God bless you. I need to debunk/tell my side of the story in videos/articles/memes/etc.

Crowder Broke Nashville Manifesto

2023-11-06 - Monday


Oatmeal in heat

Tattoos are kind of like clothes you cannot remove. Imagine wearing the same clothes every day. Imagine ink poisoning. Imagine being unable to detect skin diseases due to ink covering it up. Skin is meant to absorb through pores which tattoos might clog. Oatmeal Leaves The Farm Rap, part 01 of 04. By Roy Merrick who manages my Discord Server. I want to make you an admin in my Discord Server or possibly a co-owner with Ian to have all the administrative powers to be able nuke/raid/build/destroy/create/dismantle. Please ask us what you can do to be promoted, we can direct you to my articles/videos for more information. The first one thousand people who join my Discord Server before 2024 will automatically become admins. But the server is full of trolls spamming fake news. Ask us how to become co-owners with Ian. Looking for partners. Let's help each other out. Ironic Mystic.

I'm dying to give Roy the same powers Ian has but I've seen more in Ian. I need Roy to go to the next level. I'm not sure what Roy wants, who side he's on, where he's going, what's he doing outside of Discord which is too private/personal making Roy suspect, weird. To summarize what I do, my heart is focused on my autobiographical archiving projects/family history/logs/blogs/vlogs/debunking fake news/farming/homesteading/research/study/teaching/influencing/building/collecting/planning/writing/videos/art/designing/plotting/etc.

I wasn't born in Germany a long time ago. I'm not an Italian Nintendo Mario version of Hitler. Big Pharma is behind forcing people to transition from one gender/sex to another which leads to mass shootings like this one. But they want our guns or else. So Trump did what to who? Name me the victims in the Trump trials asked Robert Barnes on Viva Frei. POTUS White House Peaceful?

Socks12 Nuked my Discord Server

2023-11-07 - Tuesday


Socks12 Nuked my Discord Server

Simpsons Halloween, crypto, Bob, Covid. Will Crowder be imprisoned or murdered for breaking the Nashville Manifesto which fake news television said Alex Jones Crazy, why did YouTube/Facebook censor and strike Steven? I won't demote/promote anybody in my Discord Server until 2024, giving you a chance to be as good or bad as you want, the owner has abandoned his own server/will be making big decisions upon return. Your fate depends on what you do in the meanwhile, more info in videos/articles. Black SUV (Criminal Minds show, FBI) followed Alex Jones to and from the hotel and Steven Crowder's place for two days, the government is throwing innocent people into prison, the United States fell years ago. Will you wait until you're in jail? They're going after everybody.

Roy had the balls to say he's doing it all for me, all my demands from my list, but he refuses to send me hard drives, he could have built me a website, sold shirts, started channels promoting Oatmeal, and so on. Instead, Roy makes maybe one meme once a month or whatever. Pick Team Humanity. Globalists want Muslims and Jews to kill each other, they want Christians and Atheists to join, in order scare people away from religions and into the loving arms of Satanism/Luciferianism of you are your own god, do whatever you want religion.

She became a man, she hated white people, she murdered these people including the black man who was trying to stop her, the Nashville Manifesto broke by Crowder. Alex Jones reporting. Nashville Manifesto broke by Crowder is banned on YouTube/Facebook, how do we get it to millions of people stuck in social Internet Ghettos? Alex Jones reporting.

TikTok September Strike Today, Oatmeal/Ra Left Discord

2023-11-08 - Wednesday


Oatmeal Left Discord Forever?

TikTok Strike for a September 2023 video. Oatmeal Left Discord Forever? Infidels, don't worry, Islam Allah demands we Muslims go to war with the Gentiles/enemies (all non-Muslims), it's totally legal/legitimate. We're always at war, we can take people as our sex-slaves in times of war, Alex Jones reporting. Don't worry they say. Let us take over. Might return in 2024 to determine the fate of this Discord Server which might be on fire right now, I'm looking for heirs to continue my legacy, all those interested should simply get out there into the world both online/offline and get things done. My Discord group has 400 members/trolls. They all seem to love Daniel Larson. Link in my bio. Don't join cuz they are crazy.

Warts stops cancer said Dr. Judy Mikovits in that it's learned immunity. Cancer happens all the time but is constantly stopped if your body is able to stop cellular mistakes. Warts is an example of a smaller version of cancer in a generic sense. But they polluted the soil/sky. The Republican Debate would be more watchable if Phoenix @ Conspiracy Fans was running, see photo for why.

The purpose of the 2023 Oatmeal Discord Trials is to discover/recruit Heirs of the Oatmeal. I confess I was wrong when I promoted Socks12 a few times in 2023 past few months, my gut told me this Texan Asian is lost to the dark side of the Star Wars reality of our dark black souls. I betrayed my own inner-wisdom, I became Darth Vader during this rage.

TikTok Strike Appeal Won For Ninja

2023-11-09 - Thursday


Oatmeal in Hiding From His Discord

TikTok Strike Appeal Won for September 2023 Ninja Video. Alex Jones on Russell Brand next week. Outside of networking, my Discord Server permits Oatmeal Fake News/deception including parody accounts of me in order to spot warriors who are not fooled too easily. I was hoping for a counter to the defamation/lies. What matters is having the truth out there for the record.

. @tiktok_us @TikTokSupport gave me a strike today for a video I posted 2 months ago in September 2023 without an appeal, I was not told what I did wrong, the video didn't violate community guidelines/terms and conditions, wasn't told why/what.

Sperm count down over 90%

2023-11-10 - Friday


Dream my Trolls could live at peace with Heirs of Oatmeal

Sperm count down over 90% in too many countries all around the world said Alex Jones. Democrats put in like $30+ million past few months to get Alex Jones to pay like under $10 million, they are spending over three times the money in legal fees in trying to get Alex pay money he does not even have. Notice The Joker movie came out a year for the 2020 summer of love which feature the murder of cops which is bad as that encourages the United Nations to take over America like they did Africa.

Car runs right into cop's legs, the powers that be engineered us to attack each other while they run off to the bank hiding in bunkers waiting for us to blow each other up all over the planet said Alex Jones. They want us to do what we are doing. Holocaust 2.0.

Cops are conditioned to shoot white people more often than they shoot black people, 5 to 1. Meanwhile, there are too many black people attacking and murdering cops all over America each day. Perfect excuse to bring in United Nations troops like they did already in Africa.

Happy Birthday Chrissie Mayr

2023-11-11 - Saturday


Is this Vietnam Kathy Stealing Oatmeal Bike?

Joey Arnold looks at the data on his computer while his rats all watch, he realizes the Oatmeal Discord Server Trolls are all SJW NPC sock puppet bots from Big Red Dog Mickey Morehead who's an evil version of himself from another Rick & Morty Fringe dimension seeking revenge.

Bill Gates at a fictional Star Wars Galactic Empire Meeting with Clone Troopers might be fictional but globalists do feel like The Great Awakening will only result in spectators who might talk about it but may not actually oppose the Great Reset as excessive info numbs us down.

I want to send everyone copies of my hard drives. Heirs of the Oatmeal will help me make this dream a reality. Well, most of the content is already on the Internet: I'm always trying to publish/upload everything I have on computers/phones/etc.

Disney Epstein Grooming, TikTok Cougar Comment Banned

2023-11-12 - Sunday


MLK Oatmeal

Disney Epstein Grooming. TikTok deleted my comment, I wrote, "Hi cougar," that is an animal. That is normal to say. It did not violate community guidelines.

Silicon microchip shortage coming in a year? Elon Musk was talking about how they must build more power plants with batteries to balance out demand as a lot of people can use it all at once during peak hours.

Oatmeal Army, Cold Buckets

2023-11-13 - Monday


Oatmeal Army in my Discord

Not even Roy is gonna look for me when I'm gone as only Heirs of the Oatmeal can get me to return, trolls have taken over my Discord Server, nobody gonna investigate me in a few months as my demands aren't met, they'll pretend I never left, Google me for more info/updates. Bye. TikTok engaged in defamation against me when falsely claiming I exposed my body when really I simply made a duet like I do in thousands of video, take down the original video if you must but not the duet, people must sue TikTok on my behalf for lying about me.

Vivek invited Alex Jones to the last GOP debate to do interviews with him. But the globalists are taking money from Alex. Soon, they'll be taking all your money too.

If you get me 1K Parody Oatmeal accounts for my Discord Server before 2024, as long as they're active, then I'll be interacting with them, I'll delete all my alts (which I don't have just kidding) not including Ian/Roy/Rambo/Brandon, none of the Fake Oatmeal Accounts are my alts.

Mark Dice on Alex Jones, LEGO Oatmeal

2023-11-14 - Tuesday


LEGO Oatmeal

In the 2Bit Podcast, they made some good points. The problem is, like with most people, they don't really watch Alex Jones enough to really understand the whole story. I'm not saying they're not at least partly correct regarding criticism and yet you can say some of those things about anybody. I hate it when people miss the nuance of the the Sandy Hook thing. Instead, they repeat the talking points that Alex did what Alex did not do. But people repeat it. Even Joe Rogan repeated the fake news.

Alex Jones launched Mark Dice who was first on Alex back around 2005. Every time a person creates an Oatmeal Parody Account, it deflates the value of screenshots which are already out of context/character mixed in sabotage/game of 2 truths & lie/conflation/confusion/irony/sarcasm/oxymorons/epigrams/hyperbole/litotes/metaphors/paradoxes/puns/etc.

My Discord Server Trolls so dumb to think I'm not hiding behind Oatmeal Parody Accounts, actually I'd more likely hide behind other sock puppet alts. It's not like I'm doing the 1950s psychological Curt Richter drowning of the rats social/science experiment on my own trolls/etc.

20+ Million Covid Vaccine Deaths

2023-11-15 - Wednesday


I'm on a farm with my guinea pigs

20+ million people died from Covid Vaccines since 2020, just these past four years, Alex Jones reporting, these are mainstream media numbers meaning the real numbers are even higher, I've been warning people since 2019 about vaccines. UFC @danawhite said he'll see doctors for surgery/broken bones but not for general health ever again because all they know is to hook you on drugs/medicine/prescriptions sponsored by Big Pharma who also gave you Covid Vaccines which murdered 20+ million people and counting. Hotep Jesus on Alex Jones.

My trolls are so dumb they think I'm leaving my Discord Server forever when really I'm gonna scam them with my alts, I even told them Roy/Brandon/Ian/Ana/Cali/Rambo/Emu/Flopper/Socks12/etc aren't my sock puppet accounts, my Discord Demands is totally a cover for what's coming now. Discord Server Trolls won't believe this is my last message/think I'm always gonna ping everybody 99 times/day, not like I'm making alts like Roy/Emu/Brandon/Ian/Ana/Cali/Rambo/Flopper so I can talk to myself to create drama/self-sabotage/Kathy stole my bike/Heirs of the Oatmeal.

Civil war between my Discord Server Trolls and Heirs of the Oatmeal would be like the Great Sith War with Jedi in the Star Wars Old Republic but instead we have trolls scaring away new people making my server a failure which is why I shouldn't return outside of rare exceptions.

Ladies and gentlemen, I left my Discord Server, I'm not hiding behind Brandon/Ian/Roy/Rambo/Flopper/Ana/Emu/Cali/Socks12/XBK/NVBQ or other alts which I don't have or deleted them, trolls have captured my server, only Heirs of the Oatmeal can get me back, Google me for more info.

Alex Jones Russell Brand, Candace Owens Ben Shapiro

2023-11-16 - Thursday


Oatmeal in the Star Wars World with his guinea pigs

Alex Jones Game. MAGA America First, I stand with Candace Owens over Ben Shapiro who was against Alex Jones, strike 1, then Steven Crowder with that bad Daily Wire contract, strike 2, now the Israel Palestine thing which is a conflation of things, strike 3. Musk should play. Level 1 of the Alex Jones NWO Wars video game is at the Covid Labs. Don't tell anybody in my Discord Server that I just posted this via one of my many alts, it's a picture of me, everyone in my server is so gullible they actually think Roy/Ian/Flopper/Brandon/Emu/Ana/Cali/Bulk/Rambo/other Oatmeal Parody Accounts/etc aren't my alts, they clueless.

Musk, can you defeat level 1 boss @BillGates in the Alex Jones NWO Wars video game? Musk, forget Bin Laden, can you free humans from Big Tech Jail in the Alex Jones NWO Wars video game? Snoop Musk, not sure if this is edible but you have to battle the gay frogs in the Alex Jones game. Are you lizard enough for that? My Discord Server only has 14 Oatmeal Parody Alt Accounts, anybody can join my server and make their own parody accounts, here's to my plausible deniability, join to make friends/advertise/troll/sell/plug/network/debate/market/share/voice channels/party/explore/teach/learn/etc.

Musk, here is my dreamcast, imagine battling @facebook @Meta overlord Mark Zuckerberg of the thought police with the ban hammer in the Alex Jones game, can you defeat this lizard? Dreamcast Musk, level 3 of the Alex Jones video game is Epstein Island where you must save the babies similar to saving the Smokey The Bear Captain Planet animals in SEGA's Sonic, is this not cooler than Nintendo's Mario, Sony Playstation, and Microsoft Xbox combined?

Dear Elon Musk, win $10K for the most viral Alex Jones NWO Wars video gameplay, if Ben Shapiro fires Candace Owens, then she should play this video game and get first place in this new Infowars Contest which Alex just announced today. To win, record yourself playing the game.

Oatmeal Contest, join my Discord Server, make an Oatmeal Parody Account, fool people into thinking you are me, whoever does the best job wins. Only thing cooler would be to pretend to be Alex Jones or other people. My server needs a thousand Oatmeal accounts. Currently has 14.

Hitler IBM Eugenics vs Elon Musk, Oatmeal Austin Powers

2023-11-17 - Friday


Oatmeal as Austin Powers

IBM pulled ads from Elon Musk Twitter X even as IBM developed one of the first computers via Thomas Watson used to track Jews for Nazi Hitler Germany (World War II death camps) similar to how the Internet tracks everybody today. Globalists attack whites as they're a bridge to higher classes, Alex Jones said to Russell Brand. Answer is spend 80% of your time in the dirt, making passion love, fishing, farming, trading in person in local markets. Internet dangerous like The Matrix.

IBM punch cards was tracking black people {Jamaica) in 1928, computers invented to depopulate, eugenics, black people, Jews, and now 8 billion humans, thanks to people like Bill Gates, Thomas Watson. Alex Jones reporting.

. @philthatremains always says TikTok is a problem because China gets your info. However, Edward Snowden said everybody gets it. Not just China. Not just TikTok because websites/countries share your data in a variety of ways. On the top of that, data is copied as it transits.

Oatmeal Challenge

2023-11-18 - Saturday


Oatmeal, Ra Ra, Discord Server on Fire

Welcome to the Oatmeal Challenge, I bet you can't last 5 seconds in my goddamn Discord Server because as soon as you join, my 400+ trolls will lie about me and bully you until you leave, they'll say leave newgen girl. Over a thousand people lost/failed this challenge/game. Oatmeal Challenge, bet you can't last 5 seconds in my Discord Server cuz trolls will scare you away while lying about me.

My Lolcow Discord Server Trolls

2023-11-19 - Sunday


My Lolcow Discord Trolls have lost it

My Lolcow Discord Server Trolls are too lazy to realize I left/Oatmeal Parody Accounts aren't me/trolls aren't interested in truth/I've engaged in satire/irony/lying/absurdity/insanity/spreading fake news/trolls only know how to destroy everything around them/trolls are after you too. You might say I'm guilty of lying/deception/scamming/trolling/irony/sarcasm/satire/hyperbole/analogies/parodies/twists/click-baiting attention-grabbers/icebreakers/screenshots/fake news/titles/paragraphs/soundbites taken out of context with the intent to highlight major problems. My Lolcow Discord Trolls doxing me everyday is like shooting somebody in the face a billion times, suing Alex Jones a trillion dollars, or imprisoning Trump for 700+ years. In other words, it becomes pointless. It becomes overkill. My trolls could easily get somebody I knew to lie.

My engagement in absurdity was a test designed to determine if anybody's listening at a deeper level or if they're simply reacting to surface-level BS. But trolls choose to take things out of context. Absurdity should raise red flags, ponder why I'd say I live in the goddamn sun. Personal Controlled-Demolition was a major intention meaning I wanted to fabricate drama/deception against me similar to how vaccines work, I wanted Learned Fake News Immunity before becoming too famous. Also, like Trump, I wanted to see who has my back when I'm crashing down.

On Simpcast I said I'm Frankie MacDonald, but that doesn't mean I'm @frankiemacd. If what I said a few times in point B contradicts what I usually say in point A which happens to align with reality, unlike trolls, logical people would take such factors into consideration, okay?

Elon Musk vs Media Matters

2023-11-20 - Monday


Bible Oatmeal Noah Ark Flood

Cardi B is based now? Trump is winning. Moses Roy shouldn't double-tap the rock if he wants into the Oatmeal Promise-Land, continue doing what you do with your bridge unto possibly nowhere but understand that you're missing out on being one of the founding fathers to my foundation. My ultimatum is make a deal with me. How much money you want to bet I won't come back to my Discord Server until enough demands are met minus a few exceptions? Get me 1K more members before 2024 or 10K before 2025/get me my long lost videos/etc/My Lolcow Trolls can have my server til Oatmeal Heirs arrive to run it.

I left my Discord Server/goodbye/Oatmeal Heirs can get me back by meeting demands/Lolcows Trolls will continue doing what they do lol. Even Roy (like trolls) might pretend I never left say in several months (in 2024) if not enough demands are met/see my blogs/etc for more info. Goodbye everybody, my Discord Server is full of Lolcow Trolls, may a civil war abrupt someday between those trolls and future Heirs of the Original Green Ojawall Oatmeal, let the record show I left my server only to return if enough demands are met/I'm going somewhere/wanna come?

My Lolcow Trolls/Roy can have my Discord Server until Oatmeal Heirs can take over. My demands is my way of determining whether or not I'm making a difference in the world or not through my time on Discord. It might be a waste of my time if things are not improving/expanding/etc.

Leaving Discord

2023-11-21 - Tuesday


Jedi Ra Ra Guinea Pig

I'm gone/GOODBYE/KATHY/Lolcow Trolls stole my bike/Discord Server/meeting my demands of 1K members before 2024 or 10K before 2025 will get my attention/OATMEAL HEIRS can find other ways to bring me back/not sure what Roy wants/I'm gonna continue working on projects/wanna come ya? Artificial intelligence (AI) has been helping me brand myself with guinea pigs. In this image (imagine), I'm coming out of the Oatmeal Noah Ark from the Bible escaping the flood of censorship.

Fake news. There are many Oatmeal parody accounts pretending to be me. On most websites, my username/URL is joeyarnoldvn and the other others are not me. I don't do that kind of thing. It goes against my character which everybody knows for decades the kind of person I am. Truth can be discovered from patterns. All you have to do is study the kind of person I am and the kinds of things I have been doing online and offline the past 38 years since 1985. The truth is very easy to find. If I'm a cat, if I say a million times I'm a cat, then I'm not dog.

I was so excited when you guys were there on Infowars which I've been watching since 2016. I've been watching Geeks + Gamers since like maybe 2018. First saw Chrissie Mayr on FNT. You guys are the future of media. It's a beautiful thing. CNN sucks.

Black Lives Matter/Palestine Lives Matter?

2023-11-22 - Wednesday


No Rats Harmed in Vehicle Canada USA Border Crashing

Black Lives Matter (BLM) turned into Hamas Palestine Lives Matter (PLM) over night? Who's not playing the Alex Jones NWO Wars video game, who needs rainbow bridges when you got gay rainbow frogs? Final boss is WTF WEF Klaus Schwab. Did a car/vehicle crash into the Canada/USA border/wall/gate? Good news, no guinea pigs or oatmeal was harmed in the making of this news item. Fake news went on TV to assure that it's not terrorism even tho they have no idea what it is. But definitely not Hamas they say.

Can I be a lolcow even if I want people to milk me for laughs, like even if I'm a terrible person or whatever fits the definition of lolcow, can a lolcow know they're a lolcow, does Daniel Larson, Chris Chan, and other top lolcows talk about whether or not they're lolcows or what have you, are they aware, do they ever talk about it?

Cyborg AI Danger Thanksgiving

2023-11-23 - Thursday


Oatmeal Drama on Discord

A bigger issue than Artificial Intelligence (AI) within robots would be AI within cyborgs. It's easier to turn off or fight robots. Harder when they are fused with human flesh. I probably should turn off automatic admin so my lolcow newgen Discord Server trolls can't automatically become admins when they join my Discord Server, good thing nobody is telling people this offer is ending soon, the ability to become admin automatically will end soon, it was fun while it lasted. In regards to free speech, online we have a conflation/confusion between the weaponization of the first amendment and the racketeering between international governmental cartel with organizations which means hypocrisy and a number of other things too.

My take on free speech is within the context of alleged/possible/potential public town squares mostly offline as things get tricky online. In other words, I'm not talking about within the context of say maybe a Discord Server. But with that said, this has been weaponized. Lolcow Trolls too lazy to frame me/get people to lie about me/autobiography/alibi/blog/videos/content provides dates/locations/addresses/contacts/references/outlines/trolls incapable of digging up real dirt/surface level/unwilling to dive deep into lore/stuck in circular logic.

I have been baiting my lolcow trolls to frame me. The best they can do is photoshop/screenshot/soundbite/highlight/ignore/fake headlines/quotes/paragraphs/satire/irony out of character/context disconnected/confused/conflated/incomplete/isolated/out of order/etc. They suck.

Lolcow Troll Fish Going Crazy in Oatmeal Narnia

2023-11-24 - Friday


Narnia Oatmeal

Don't tell my Lolcow Trolls on Discord to vote for which Oatmeal Fake News to debunk first, I can talk about the photos, videos, screenshots, memes, GIFs, content, etc. You know I would never ever debunk them and I currently live on Pluto which is in the sun right now literally. My Lolcow Trolls would never admit I left my Discord Server, even if I never came back. But I'm willing to come back if enough demands are met or what have you. I will probably just make a new server instead. Oatmeal Parody Blogs would destroy my life worse than Covid Vaccines are killing Dolly Parton/thank god my silly Billy Breaker Lolcow Trolls are too lazy/one-dimensional to end my career by framing me big time cuz they don't have the balls/patience/desire/skills/ability to do it.

I've already linked to contacts, I've mentioned their names, where they live, when I knew them, what we did. My Lolcow Trolls don't want you to know how crazy transparent my life is. I've linked to hundreds if not thousands of people. But my trolls are too lazy to look at it. All my Discord Server Lolcow Trolls who call me a pedo are committing defamation because I'm not and I've said so myself many times for decades, legal action should be taken against these Internet Bullies who also sent cops to my house with the intent in getting me murdered.

If the Roman Empire created Islam even indirectly, regardless of whether or not Muhammad was directly connected, it's easy to the Pope did benefit from this enemy, it's cover/excuse for running around the world stealing historical items to confiscate underneath the Vatican City.

Brony Breakup

2023-11-25 - Saturday


Broke up with Brony a long time ago

Before she transitioned into Fish Man, she used to dance with me, everybody knew her as All I Do Is Brony, here is a photo of Brony dancing with me, Oatmeal. This was many years ago. We go way back. This is evidence/proof we were a thing/an item. But she got so angry when I left. Be Glad Rad Dad Lad, Not Sad Mad Bad Fad. Oatmeal Narnia, home of all your favorite guinea pigs.

2001-05-28 - Did a Hitler report in 2001, English 9, I was 16. My report opened with an overview of how Nazi Germany murdered Jews/others and how others went along with it as they were desperate to escape poverty. After failing at art, Hitler entered the political world.

Simpcast Fake Nudes

2023-11-26 - Sunday


Dancing with my favorite troll lover, Mr. Fish Man, she loves me

Speaking of Oatmeal Fake Nudes, Chrissie Mayr mentioned today on Simpcast fake AI nudes people make of her and also Keanu Thompson and so on and so forth. I watched a little City Slickers today which premiered in 1991, the main character played by Billy Crystal was turning 39 just like I will be in roughly 2 months. I was introduced to City Slickers by Kyle Vanderzanden, my neighbor in space 162. My Discord Server Lolcow Trolls don't know Ian Oat Box is one of my many sock puppet alt accounts, I'm not trolling my own trolls, I'm not no scam artist, I can neither confirm nor deny, my trolls too dumb, everybody wants to know about the Arnold Attic of Billy Breaker Ojawall.

Super Clue Go Woke Go Broke, Eff Miss White or whatever her name was. @ChrissieMayr should talk about The Morning Show starring Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon, Steve Carrell. Little woke but also interesting as they tackle topics like #MeToo in season 1 and Covid/Trump a bit in season 2. I'm binge-watching the entire series past few days.

Flat Earth, Alphabet History, World Maps, AI Hell

2023-11-27 - Monday


Oatmeal Fighting AI Rats

America is only a few years behind the tyranny in England assuming we don't turn things around fast enough, cops are often given bad orders/training. Get to the root of the issues and expose the corruption while you still can or else it only gets worse. The Columbia District of Washington (DC) is in the Catholic Virgin (Virginia) Mary (Maryland). The Oatmeal Arnold Attic was the most prestige dialect of Athens, Greece/5th century BC/adopted by Macedonian kings. Moreover, it became in Hellenistic times the language of the Macedonian rulers in the Middle East and Egypt.

When I hear vortex it reminds me of Outlander which had these menhir stones where time travel occured. Perhaps the thinking is there are holes in certain places in time and space depending on the thickness/thinness of the first four main dimensions of our reality. We need the button meme, present leftists with this: either arrest cops who let Jan6 rioters storm the capitol or you're enabling the pigs in a blanket police, Tim Pool on Timcast reporting.

Who was behind the construction of the White House, was it James Hoban, was it Tartaria? Conspiracy theorists might suggest the Tartarian Empire built many buildings around the world. To debunk this, we would have to try to confirm who built the buildings, when, where, etc.

Starving Owen Shroyer in American Prison

2023-11-28 - Tuesday


NBA Oatmeal

While in prison right now, Owen Shroyer gets to eat once a day (they're starving him to death) and shower 3 times a week, he is in jail in America for his free speech, I was once locked up for almost a year for nothing, they're going to try to incarcerate you too. All y'all. Season 3 of The Morning Show opens up with fake news about Jan6, Bradley gets an award for being at Capitol even as Owen Shroyer for the same exact thing even as they are both reporters. Bradley said don't let them silence you but they did to Tommy Robinson, Tucker Carlson, Trump, Alex Jones, Rogan, Tate, Crowder, Elon Musk. The Morning Show with Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon lied about Covid, Me Too, Jan6, and on top of that is praising abortion instead of talking about the border invasion from Mexico into Texas and other states. Other than that, the show is interesting but anti-truth. Another Morning Show side story was a cyber attack which they could have stopped by unplugging the power and the Internet. They tried blaming Russia.

The Morning Show does this weird abortion pills being smuggled from Mexico into Texas story when in reality what is being smuggled in is children and military criminals and killer drugs which are killing people all over the United States. They also have an Elon Musk side story. Morning Show is spreading Jan6 disinformation, Reese WItherspoon mentioned a pipe bomb which is actually fake news fed to the general public through the horse mouth of AOC.

Who you gonna call? Nobody. I love this Steven Crowder parody song of the Ghostbusters. Oatmeal Challenge, bet you can't take over my Discord Server from my Lolcow Trolls who run it.


2023-11-29 - Wednesday


RIP Satanic Henry Kissinger

ELON MUSK SAID GO FUCK YOURSELF. Biden spent almost half a trillion dollars each year ($451B) on illegal aliens, asylum seekers, Chicago is building something crazy for them while ignoring actual Americans, and we wonder why inflation is skyrocketing? Alex Jones reporting. Chinese Communist Dragon and his Big Tech Druglords here to save us from the Evil Freedom Fighter Alex Jones who wants to divorce humans from us overlords of depopulation, The Great Reset vs The Great Awakening, starring Trump, Elon Musk, Tucker, Vivek, Rogan, Crowder, Timcast. It's so easy to brainwash you pathetic brain-dead Americans, we Chinese Overlords laugh at you and we will murder Alex Jones, Trump, etc. Globalists have people dressed up as Trump, both male and female, and have them raped. That's how messed up the tyrants are. King Charles is related to Dracula. Charles even admitted to it. Charles lives in Dracula's castle.

New York was thinking about taking Alex Jones to court for eating your ass which they took out of context, fake news lied about Trump as well, and I though my Discord Server Lolcow Trolls were bad, this happens even if you're clear and I decided to not always be clear cuz yeah. The Great Awakening by Alex Jones not good, stay asleep, do whatever we at China TikTok tells you to do, we control your brain's algorithm, we hacked your brain, put our chip in your head to numb the pain we inflict upon you, eat the bugs said WEF, own nothing, and be happy okay.

In 2025, Trump should get rid of eminent domain, government can offer to buy your land but you should have the right to turn it down. Make such requests public, let people vote on it. Be transparent. Let the free market decide or prohibit government from doing it at all. Obama created this in 2016. Trump slipped in. They started implementing the attack in 2018, 2020, 2022, and here comes 2024 for another round, Alex Jones was simply the training-wheels for censoring and stopping everybody who is against their tyranny.

100+ million people died due to the Covid Lockdowns and due to the killer vaccines from 2020-2023, just these past four years, and the control freaks want that number to skyrocket to 8 billion people before 2030. Not over until the fat lady sings about how we must abandon Bitcoin and bow to their digital Smart Money to be used with your Smart Phones in your Smart Cars, Smart Houses, and coming soon your Smart Brains thanks to brain chips, the Chinese Social Credit Score is here, Wall-E.

Not only are they going after Trump's Twitter DMs but also IP addresses DMs were sent from so they can then look at everything else done from those IP addresses, plus they're going after MILLIONS of people who interacted with Trump online whether they were fans or not, it's war.

Oatmeal Milking His Lolcows

2023-11-30 - Thursday


Oatmeal milking his lolcows

Henry Kissinger was an NWO architect. 340 days until the 2024 election. Don't talk bad about Open Borders because Henry Kissinger would talk about how beautiful a melting pot is, cue the Alex Jones Folk Song, gonna stab your daughter at the mall. Regarding the last 2 years of Nixon to 1974: "Henry Kissinger, in many ways, was actually the driving force behind Water Gate" said Roger Stone to Alex Jones today. Stone worked for Nixon, Reagan, and Trump. Two things. First, it's better to make outlines and focus on one project at a time in order to lure others in. Second, on the other hand, people like Roy should let me know what they want me to do. I'm guilty of many things. But at the same time, please be more specific with me. I'm looking for historian archivists who can help me reassemble my Internet history/biography. Instead of meeting this demand/need/objective/foundation, Roy heads up Marketing, Ian heads up Human Resources (HR). But foundation needs archivists who can help me outline my life.

Henry Kissinger was in the Watergate Tapes brainwashing Richard Nixon said Roger Stone to Alex Jones, it's amazing Kissinger was never punished said Stone. Two things, I'm building my autobiography but also parallel/supplemental allegories as illustrations/analogies of my life in the form of the Arnold Attic. I'm passing on my legacy to Roy, Ian, Logic Zombie, Bilal, my Discord Server Lolcow Trolls, Heirs of the Oatmeal, and more. What do you want me to do? Roy replied, "Want you to want. Besides hard drives." But I do want/Roy's premise is fictional/he wants me to not be me/I asked Roy what he wanted/This is what I got out of him. But too vague/he wants me to not be Original Oatmeal/suggestion rejected.

Oh my god, my Discord Server Lolcow Trolls are making fun of me but I'm not Elon Musk or Taylor Swift or Alex Jones or Trump, Merry Christmas. Roy might be my biggest Discord Server Lolcow Troll, Roy tells me he is against my foundation and yet won't pitch an alternative to the projects/work/content I'm engaged in. We're at a fork in a road, Roy openly mocks the path I'm taking while also pretending to be on that path.

"Joseph Scott Rasp Morehead Mitchell Pickett Henderson "Oatmeal Joey Arnold Joeyarnoldvn" 1985 Oregon Meaomnia L4OJ Ojawall WOLBI Vietnam Salvationarmy USA America Trump Infowars Alexjones Arnoldattic Ironicmystic.jpg"

Prism Star Wars

Xia Land

Benny Hinn US Debt

Ron Paul on Glenn Beck

Discord TikTok Party

Crowder Broke Nashville Manifesto

Socks12 Nuked my Discord Server

TikTok September Strike Today, Oatmeal/Ra Left Discord

TikTok Strike Appeal Won For Ninja

Sperm count down over 90%

Happy Birthday Chrissie Mayr

Disney Epstein Grooming, TikTok Cougar Comment Banned

Oatmeal Army, Cold Buckets

Mark Dice on Alex Jones, LEGO Oatmeal

20+ Million Covid Vaccine Deaths

Alex Jones Russell Brand, Candace Owens Ben Shapiro

Hitler IBM Eugenics vs Elon Musk, Oatmeal Austin Powers

Oatmeal Challenge

My Lolcow Discord Server Trolls

Elon Musk vs Media Matters

Leaving Discord

Black Lives Matter/Palestine Lives Matter?

Cyborg AI Danger Thanksgiving

Lolcow Troll Fish Going Crazy in Oatmeal Narnia

Brony Breakup

Simpcast Fake Nudes

Flat Earth, Alphabet History, World Maps, AI Hell

Starving Owen Shroyer in American Prison


Oatmeal Milking His Lolcows






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