Itchy eyes due to where?

To deal with eye irritation, you must first find the cause. In the letter, you do not say if you have allergies, because when allergic nose sinus, also prone to irritation cause eye irritation. In addition to itchy eyes due to a number of causes such as dry eyes, itching or sore eyes, blurred vision continuous and watery eyes. Eyelid or specialized in the field is inflammation of the eyelid, causing itching, redness, tearing, swollen eye area, dry. More seriously, it can cause blurred vision, inflammation of the eye tissue (especially the cornea), or loss of eyelashes. Itchy eyes are often a sign of allergic conjunctivitis due to the body reacting to certain allergens, which may originate from food or the surrounding environment. Inflammation of the bladder also causes itching and redness of the eyes ... In addition, the eye can also be itchy by contact with cats or dogs. The wear of contact lenses daily will also lead to itchy eyes, increased risk of developing dry eye, allergy-causing eyes sensitive, red and itchy. In addition, a grain of sand, dust, or any other small object that unfortunately hits the eye can also cause itching, discomfort, and pain.

Therefore, not raising hands to scratch to push the object out to corrode cornea, increasing the risk of infection. The best way is to use artificial tears, saline physiological eye drops to lubricate the eyeball, push the object out. When your eyes are still itchy or sore, seek medical attention for prompt medical attention.

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