Arab MK Cites Lack Of Photos Of Jews In Land Before 1839: 'Invaders'

"Lack of photographic evidence for a Palestinian entity in this land is only because of Zionist conspiracies to erase."

presence in Palestine before the invention of photography gives the lie to the Zionist argument that Jews always lived in the land and have an eternal attachment to it.

MK Aida Touma-Suleiman noted that not a single photograph of Jews in Palestine exits from before 1839, far later than the "ancient, continuous presence" that Zionists argue grants Jews legitimacy to establish sovereignty there.

"It's a glaring, but typically brazen, claim for them to make," argued Touma-Suleiman in an interview. "The indigenous Arab presence here is obvious, so obvious that it overrides the absurdity of Arabs conquering the land only in the seventh century of the Common Era. That's simply not the case for Jews, who, even if they were here in any numbers, lost any attachment by being out of the land for so long."

"That's also, obviously, different from Palestine Refugees, who carry their status in perpetuity. Just obviously. I don't have to explain it."

Touma-Suleiman also invoked the debunked theory that the bulk of Jews whose ancestors lived in Europe descend not from Jews driven from the land by Rome and other occupiers, but from Khazar converts. Geneticists have disproven that argument; Ashkenazi DNA has more in common with non-Ashkenazi Jewish DNA haplotypes than with any host populations. The argument also ignores the fact that membership in the Jewish people has nothing to do with DNA and follows tribal customs that consider even converts full members of the group.

Touma-Suleiman, for her part, denies the legitimacy of Zionism because acknowledging Jewish peoplehood - as opposed to dismissing Jewishness as solely a question of faith or practice - pulls the rug out from under the claim that as a people, Jews, uniquely, may not constitute themselves politically and exercise sovereignty.

"Any supposed lack of photographic evidence for a Palestinian entity in this land is only because of Zionist conspiracies to erase it all," she added, in anticipation of anyone mentioning that the use of "Palestinian" to refer to Arabs began in the 1960's before which the term, without the additional word "Arab," almost invariably denoted a Jewish resident of the area. Her statement also sought to forestall any observation that no photographic of Palestinian, or indeed Arab, presence in the land exists from before the advent pf photography, either.

"That's what they want you to think," she explained. "Zionists control the photography industry."

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