Helloooooo Everyone! Noooby Alert!


Good afternoon people of Hive Land! It's wonderful to be in your company. I'm very new so go easy on me!

I have been hanging around a few Discord servers lately and temptation has become too difficult to resist so I have decided to take the plunge and join this intriguing community.

As far as I can tell I think the skill to success on Hive is to ensure content is original and engaging, and when it comes to word count moderation is usually better than going overly wordy! At least I think that's the basic rules, please feel free to correct me if I have that wrong.

What I've also guaged is to keep an open mind as I can see there is lots to learn. As with any community there are conventions and customs that need to be respected and I will endeavour to do my best.

So, who am I? Yup I'm still working that one out, just like many other peeps out there. Could have sworn I knew myself once. Could have also sworn I knew what the world was about once, not anymore.

As I get older I realise just how corrupt and ugly the world has become, and it didn't need to be this way. Sadly people in positions of great power in the world have decided to wage a cultural and financial war on the masses. Fortunately I have discovered crypto and now Hive. I see crypto as at least part of the solution. It gives me hope.

All right minded people want peace in this world and we all want a decent standard of living, the latter usually involves money.

As for me, the basics are as follows:

  • Male
  • Live in England
  • Crypto Enthusiast and Investment Trader
  • Study society and philosophy
  • Currently singleish - helloooo ladies!
  • Enjoy learning languages
  • Need to up my travel game
  • Into filmmaking
  • Music is everything
  • Bit of a foodie but crap at cooking
  • Like fine wines and lager
  • Into swimming, gym and tennis
  • Major casino fan - if not playing pontoon you will find me at the roulette table, come and join me.

I'll leave it there and keep it short and simple for now. I'm looking forward to getting to know lots of you guys and gals and who knows perhaps we might be able to establish some working relationships too.

I hope I have got this right!


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