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My introduction:🙆

My name is dojoexle. I am 21 years old . I live in kathmandu,Nepal. I am a nurse .

I was really confused on how to do a introduction post . Then i saw this video on youtube . Then i decided to make my first introduction post. The video is here. This guy is really great . Thankyou for this awesome video.

I am a nurse by profession and i am very proud of myself. I will to serve people whenever they need.

Introducing my village.

This is my village . We are very traditional. We still live traditionally. The 100 years old tradition and methods .

Its not 100 years old picture its my granmom. I told you we still live like people used to live 100 years back.
These are my family. Do you know what they are
doing ? Well that a grinding machine we grind wheat from that.

Its our traditional dress.
They are my sisters . We are dacing in our traditional songs . Feels good.
This is bridge made up of bamboo. I go to my college crossing many bridges like this .

Do you thnk its cool ? . No its not cool . Its very hard everyday.
He is my grandfather . Guess what he is doing?.
I wish i could make changes in my country but what one can do when thousands are currupt.
I feel so bad when i think about this.


My only motive in joining this platform is to earn lot of money so that i can make my parents life easier. They have shown me this world and i want to show them the whole world now. I want to take them to world tour so they can see the whole world with me. For this i have to earn. My nursing profession doesnt give me much . I hope i can earn through here.

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