An Intro Post: Losing Steemit, ONO & starting all over (Part 1)

I guess this will not be that typical self intro post. But, if you are up for it, do read on and give this first post a "thumbs up"! It means a lot to a newbie here (me!).

I was on Steemit 4 years back (because there was nothing like it back then) and was briefly with ONO (a miserable failed blockchain project before it even started), and I must say that I am honored to have been part of the ride.


I stopped contributing when I was part of ONO, thinking that it could take on the world eventually. The fancy schmancy marketing hypes that was put to it enough to give you that boosted confidence. Long story short, I lost all the reward tokens in ONO (we get rewarded for being one of the country's representatives at that time) because the project got scrapped off and at the same time I grew tired of the politics in Steemit. So I left the scene and focus on various ventures.

Fast forward, my interest in blockchain and cryptos got reignited again when I discovered the NFT (Non Fungible Tokens) and suddenly my hand itches to write. Just maybe, perhaps I might continue my love for something creative and turn it into one of a kind art. To learn more about NFT, I even went to a spoof Memebank launch recently. You can watch the video HERE.

Yes, I have tried to log on to my Steemit account (just to test my rusty writing skills again) after the four years hiatus but forgotten the important key to get in. Yup, I lost my key. For good. There goes my Steem power and dollars. Sigh.

Recently, a good friend made several intro post about Hive on her social media postings and after much procrastination (and deep curiosity of how Hive works), I decided to sign up and be part of the community. First time being on Hive brings back memories, just like how I first got started on Steemit.

I am based in Malaysia and have been pretty active in the Women Entrepreneurs scene until Covid19 hits globally. We kickstarted the first Women Co-working office in the Country, a quaint boutique size space to be precise. We run the business for a good few months and then we have to close due to the pandemic. The situation caught us off guard greatly. So in order to sustain (and to support women and good causes at the same time), I kickstarted a Crowdfunding platform pretty quickly and it was one of the best decision I have made. We were able to keep head above waters while doing good at the same time.

The quick pivot have shown me that I have managed to validate the business model and the needs for it. I take it as my calling to elaborate the platform better and grow from there. A quick glance on what's happening around the world today (post Covid), I realized that the world will eventually never be the same again - like it or not.

Hence, I discovered these:

People Power: We will need each other more than ever - regardless where we are from. Because when people come together, anything is possible.

Survival & Change: What we know about survival back then will no longer apply. We need to learn how to adapt to change even when change is painful and hard for some.

Armed with curiosity to find out what happens if we have a social platform that promotes good, that allows people to come together for various causes that could impact the world and communities, or perhaps gets validated or rewarded for doing something good, I decided to create a platform (due to launch soon) that promotes good.

I will be sharing more about the new platform soon (perhaps in my part 2 post) and I hope to rope in as many likeminded people to join us. And yes, its free!

Till then, signing off from part 1 post.

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