Epigenetic Health Coach/Music Producer/Crypto Enthusiast Introducing myself

Well hello,

First off, I'm excited to join the Steemit community and to get to know all of you better. I'm stoked to have another place to share what I do with interesting like-minded people like you.

I plan on using Steemit primarily as a way to share some of the health and wellness articles I write and the music I make under the moniker Futexture. But, I'm pretty cross-disciplinary and do a bunch of different things, so my posts on here might range pretty widely.

I really just love learning and often will get obsessed with a topic and learn everything I can about it in a short period of time. I think one of my biggest strengths is being able to synthesize seemingly unrelated pieces of information and find the parallels and underlying patterns between them, so I look forward to sharing my informational writing with all of you.

Short keyword summary of myself:

Audio nerd, biohacker, cat lover, genetics expert, optimal health coach, cannabis appreciator, perpetual student, sound designer, mandolin player, DJ, psychonaut, avid gardener, crystal collector, web design and marketer, mushroom cultivator, professional sneezer, satirist, entrepreneur, crypto enthusiast.

I've been obsessed with sound and music for as long as I can remember, and grew up playing various instruments.. saxophone, violin, piano, guitar, etc and discovered Ableton live and more electronic flavors of music about 10 or 11 years ago. I fell in love with the versatility of electronic composition and have been releasing music ever since. I'm really interested in sound design and unique, previously unheard things.

If you're into Tipper, Amon Tobin, Bassnectar, Bluetech, or things like that you'll probably enjoy the kind of stuff I make. I'll be releasing a new EP in the coming months. I currently mostly play mandolin acoustically. And, I also serve as director of Applied Psychoacoustics at Apeiron Center in Asheville, NC where I design meditation and relaxation brainwave entrainment programs with sound.

Here's a link to my soundcloud:



Over the past 4-5 years or so though, I've shifted back towards my roots as a biology nerd (I was pretty torn in college between majoring in biology or music tech) and have been running my own health coaching business.

I'm the stereotypical story: I had somewhat of a health meltdown after years of staying up all night to play and go to shows and festivals, being a cheese-and-breadatarian (AKA an unhealthy vegetarian), and just generally not paying much attention to my body. I totally shifted my diet and got my brain working well again, and got really interested in health and wellness and the reasons why those changes worked for me.

Genetics and Epigenetics

I now work with genetic and nutrigenomic testing to help people determine what the right dietary and lifestyle choices are, and it's such a fascinating time to be in this field. The research is really clear that different people simply require different diets to thrive, and I've come to really enjoy helping people understand their bodies and metabolisms in depth.

I'll be writing a series of articles on how you can use your genetic data to you help understand how your body responds to various foods and substances, and how you can use that information to improve your health. I'll also be putting up recipes with a nutrigenomic perspective.

In general, I love working with self motivated people who understand that improving their health can allow them to be at the top of their game. I also work with some specific health conditions and inherited familial patterns. I work from a holistic, whole-systems mindset and help people effect change through as many different inputs and layers of the body as possible. Using genetics is great because it provides somewhat of a shortcut to experimentation and allows for more precise and personalized recommendations. Essentially, it cuts through much of the "standing in the supplement aisle and looking at a million things that all are supposed to be good for me" issue.


I've also done quite a bit of research into the endocannabinoid system and will be putting out information on that. I'm especially interested in how genetic variations influence the individual way people respond to cannabis. Here's a link to an article on cannabis metabolism that I think you'll find pretty fascinating if you smoke weed, and I'll be writing more articles like this on steemit:



I've been into crypto for about a year now, and it's been very kind to me thusfar. It's also kind of amazing the parallels you can draw between crypto and the way systems in the the human body work and communicate with each other. The most current understanding of our physiology is that various systems in the body synchronously act as an autonomous distributed network with input from many different nodes and feedback circuits. Sound familiar?? ;)

I'm also especially interested in helping people mitigate the risks of sitting and staring at a computer screen and I'll be doing some articles geared towards eye health and circadian rhythm.


And this is one of my cats, Shirley Wintergreen LLC:

And this is White Kitten aka The Spice Melange aka Caroline

In general, I'm just excited to get away from the faceborg and try a different medium for connecting with people. Thanks for having me here and look forward to getting to know you better!

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