Off to a great start

Hello Everyone! My name is Jose, I'm fairly new to the new hive blockchain but not so much to the cryptocurrency world.

I just Traveled with @cosmic.paradise from PerΓΊ to Bulgaria. and I have to tell you it's been amazing. We never knew where we were heading ( first time here) but it has completely surpassed our expectations.


The scenery is amazing! the people are nice (and quite rebellious) & nature is a constant delight. We did a couple of special techniques (of which I will share later on) to find out where to move during this troublesome times. And I have to say, now that we are here, that everything came out excellently.


Now, we chose to do workaway so we could install ourselves better in this new land, meet new people and learn the language. I work online and so this fits perfectly with my line of work. A huge thanks to for having us here, teaching us so much, and introducing us to such a beautiful world (including Ecency & Hive!).

Cosmic.paradise has shared much of what we are doing. So I'll take this as an opportunity to share that I will be making this my main blog & communications hub to share with the world all of my Mind improving, Biohacking techniques & the Matrix-8 Governance Solution.

I think Ecency is the right place to share with people about the Real Revolution & all the tools that have helped me as much as my clients.


Many Blessings!

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