Time to begin an adventure with STEEMIT!!

Hello fellow Steemians. I was introduced to the STEEMIT community a few days ago by my friend and fellow traveler @iwanderela and she has been encouraging me to write this first post ever since. I have been somewhat hesitant but I am fascinated by the community that is growing here and love the focus on engaging with one another.

So what to tell you about me? A little over a year ago I quit my job, gave all of my belongings away, packed a backpack, and began a journey around Asia.


My backpack is looking a bit beat up these days but it has been all over the world with me since I was 14 years old so I am hoping it will survive one last journey before going into retirement.

My first destination was Korea where I taught English at a public elementary school in Seoul. I was lucky to teach an amazing group of Grade 6 students and learned so much during my time there.



I have recently finished teaching and have started to travel full-time. While traveIing I love trying new food, learning new languages, exploring abandoned buildings, hiking mountains, and so much more. I look forward to sharing all of these experiences with you and learning about all of the things that interest you.

Just to kick things off, I am currently in the Philippines, Cebu City to be exact. The Philippines has just experienced two major typhoons in the past couple weeks which has made traveling a bit difficult.


So what is the best way to pass the time during typhoon season? Make Christmas decorations, play darts, and enjoy a Red Horse or two.


This is my first time sharing my day to day life in such a public way so bear with me as I learn the ropes and, in return, I will do my best to provide you with some entertaining and informative content about my travels. I also need to say thank you to @fernwehninja for sharing her knowledge about STEEMIT with me. I am so excited to begin getting to know my fellow Steemians and interacting in the community.

Coming soon: Travels in the Philippines. Thanks for reading and see you soon!

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