Here is to the Half that will disappear… c’est la vie


I was alienated years ago, by about half the people I know, when I began a new education path into renewable energy.

It’s silly looking back, but it was terribly irritating at the time to be swept away and dismissed by so many friends and even some family members, who weren’t open minded enough to sit and discuss anything new. Instead, half of my association of friends, extended family, and businesspeople seemed to robotically parrot cliches and platitudes on why renewables were BAD and why I was in someway BAD for being involved with them.


This mass rejection took it’s tole at times over the course, but it was a liberation of intense proportions in retrospect. My single greatest irritant, gripe, or SIN, revealed itself to me during this purge of what I thought to be well intentioned people, from my list of well intentioned peeps. This irritant, or SIN in my judgement, is one of the most despicable behaviors that I can think of, with the exception of malicious harm or murder; willful ignorance.

Willful ignorance is the complete disregard for something without close examination. It is done all the time because of prejudices and biases built into the individual. We as people in general will necessarily avoid or ignore ideas or behaviors that we aren’t in agreement with. This is easily understood. There is not enough time in the day for careful examination of every situation, so we sometimes, automatically reject without scrutiny, certain scenarios that we might have experienced before. The harm comes when an individual EXPECTS the world to pander to their prejudice; this is called coercion.


I think in this digital age, many prejudices are about to start toppling. One of the biggest of these, in this domino line of prejudices, will be in Medicine. Western, Allopathic Medicine is due for an overhaul. Now more than ever.

THIS TIME, however, let's not let the IGNORANT stand in the way of HEALING.

~Quixotic Malcontent

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