4 Elements of Success

My name is Jonathan Traylor,

Today I'm discussing 4 elements of success and am using a photograph from my trip to the Bahamas to illustrate.

Everyday humans travel through time and space. Sometimes aware but for the most part oblivious to the great opportunities and people that surround us.

We tend to think what if ________ or wouldn't it be great if _______? We wish for a magic fairy god mother or a dream/vision from God. We fantasize about a time machine that would allow us to travel back in time and beat the stock market and become wealthy.

In short we want assurance of security. We want certainty of success.

I'm not offering certainty of success, but here are a few elements of success.

a. Aware of self and environment.

This one is important because it requires that you fundamentally switch your mindset from consumer/entertained to producer/influencer. It's necessary for you to change from being a person who relies on others to show you a golden opportunity to someone who is AWARE and becomes convinced of a life changing opportunity.

b. Prepared to seize the day.

This one is particularly interesting. I'll give an example. A few months ago BTC hard forked into Bitcoin Cash. Imagine you had heard of BTC for years prior but had always put off investing in BTC. Then a friend explained that in the hard fork you could stake the BTC you owned and your BTC amount would be matched in Bitcoin Cash. You scrambled to purchase BTC but at this point it was too late. It took time to verify and link coinbase to your bank account, and you lost on the opportunity to profit from staking BTC because you were not prepared to seize the day.

c. Make Bold decisions based on your research.

No one cares about your success or failure as much as you. No one cares about your money as much as you do. Make Bold decisions you are convinced of.

d. Invest in yourself.

This includes increasing your skills. Improving your environment. Gaining new knowledge etc.

These are a few elements of success. Certainly not all.

I was able to capture this photo in the Bahamas using elements 1-3.


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