Late Introduction Post On Hive!

I've been on Hive for a couple years now but I've just started trying to get more active.

Here's my LATE introduction post!

Here I am

-I didn't have a large selection to pick from... I have too few pictures of myself!

How I got into Hive

Splinterlands was my gateway into Hive and how this all began. I've always enjoyed card games like magic the gathering and the online ownership of cards appealed to me. I loved the artwork of Splinterlands and I was enticed with the format. The mechanics of the game and the joy of the community drew me in. I made the account and got things like account keys, heard words like 'Hive' and 'Steem'. And because of that, I slowly made my way into other realms of the Hive ecosystem.

But it goes much farther back if we're going to include my past into the makings of this introduction post.

My past

The past slips outta
reach and paves a way for me.
Shed your skin, grow free.

-A river I visit often to find some peace

I'm generally bright, bubbly, and super friendly to almost anyone. I fight hard against what my past has done to me. I'm actively going to therapy and working hard to take care of myself in my daily life.

But I come from a dark past and those who know me personally wouldn't even think that. People who've dealt with the divorce of their parents when they were young know the struggles that it brings. Going in between two households was often straining on me and my mom's house was anything but normal. She was bipolar, had a knack for abusive partners, was neglectful and abusive herself. I understand that she was trying her best with what she had. But sadly, it wasn't enough for a healthy childhood. My stepdad abused me in every way possible and she set me up for failure by allowing me to become accustomed of those behaviors. Towards my preteen years, after so much struggle and heartache, she died due to an overdose. It was quite the shock and transformed me forever.

It's taking me a lot of time to work on these problems and I'm no where near finished. But I'm no longer lamenting my past, I accept it for what it is. I'm going to move forward. I have built a life that I'm growing fond of. I'm learning about myself and others everyday. One of those steps towards that, was getting a couple hobbies.


-One of my many rose plants

My hobbies have helped me in many ways. I have several that I cycle through, some more important than others. My plethora of hobbies are: Gardening and houseplant keeping, super amateur photography, gaming, carving, drawing, journaling, reading, crypto, and blogging.

I am not amazing at any of them except for gardening, I have a really green thumb. So green, in fact, I can photosynthesis myself. I was surprised at my ability to grow plants. In my childhood, I did see people around me growing plants but I never participated. My maternal grandfather and step grandma both gardened in different ways. My mom's father, whom I'm named after, had a homestead. He often gardened for sustenance, growing tomatoes, okra, or squash. My stepmom's mother gardened for other reasons. She grew plants because she loved them, they didn't always have to produce something. I never enjoyed their hobby until after they died. I sort of garden as a way to honor them. I love my plants and cherish them so much. I dabble in the other hobbies and all the pictures shown in this post are going to be photos of things I do from time to time.

I'm a working man

-A ball in cage carving that I did, it took me several hours to do

Some of my strongest characteristics are that I'm a hard worker, honest, and honorable. These were instilled in by my grandfather. He worked me to the bone, and my older brother much harder. I can deal with a lot, and there's pros and cons to that kind of characteristic. The pros are that I surprise people with my strength and endurance. I work hard and try to get the job done as best as possible.

I love to travel

-The winding paths of a hiking trail I visited in the mountains

I love to travel with my partner. I'm a married man and enjoy the aspect of being bonded to someone as closely as I am to them. We travel to a lot of places and some of my favorites will be in several pictures of this post. There's not much to say about traveling other than the fact that you get to see things that you may have only seen on a screen. It does have a different impact seeing it in person. I love eating all kinds of foods in new places as well. I am thankful for my partner because they have fun traveling with me as well. We have visited so many places together. Maybe I can scrounge together some old pictures for some posts.

Some of my skills

-Vegetables and fruits I harvested from my backyard container garden

I never finished college due to unresolved issues of my past. At this point in my life, even though I'm working through them, I don't think I'll go back. I want to seek out the homesteading life and work hard towards becoming who I want to be through the skills I'm good at.

Although I didn't complete college, I did learn a lot from it. I went to school for nursing and computer science. I learned a lot about both fields and can keep up with some more in depth topics. But I am no expert and likely won't be now, haha. I don't mind that, life sometimes carries you in unexpected directions.

Closing remarks

-This is from when I visited New York City!

This introduction post has reminded me that I'm growing as a person. I am not the same as I was several years ago. I am learning every day and changing for the better, I'm sure of that. I hope that this post has touched someone and maybe they can gleam some light from this. There is hope for the future, no matter how dark your past is. We all can support each other in this community and I hope that I will make a fine addition to it.

Thank you all for the read on who I am and what I'm about. I appreciate each and every one of you. If you want to follow me, know that I will interact with kindness no matter what walks of life you are going down.

Have a good one,

♥️ With lots of love @timmy-turnip ♥️

If you've read this far, I would enjoy any follows and will follow back. I want to build a community of love and kindness and if you want that as well, I'm your man.

Beneficiaries (%5 each):

@ecency due to the inspiring and easy to use blog site


@daltono for inspiring me to blog more frequently

and also to

@thepeakstudio for the borders I use all the time

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