Tales of a Digital Nomad

Hey there everyone over here at the Steem community!

I discovered this site by watching a very informative youtube video about steemit by @jerrybanfield

I'm what some might call a "digital nomad." The ancient nomads were curious wanderers who never stayed in one place for very long. I share their curiosity, but rather than most of the ancients also did it to find food and resources.

As a digital nomad, I'm not traveling the world looking for resources; I'm doing it because I enjoy it. The digital aspect of it comes into play because all of the resources I need, I earn online.

I hate the idea of being tethered to a desk, and for the past three years, I've been able to fulfill my dreams and desires of experiencing the world. Launching and maintaining online businesses is how I earn money; all I need to do those things is some internet access. So I can be nearly anywhere in the world to do my job. Which, not to gloat, has maybe even exceeded my dreams of what this lifestyle could become.

Tours, cruises, and short trips are not what I consider to be 'traveling.'

I'm from San Diego originally, and since I left on my digital nomad experience, I've only been back four times...for a total of 3 months.

I started my lifestyle of voyaging with a trip over to Mumbai, which evolved into a stay of nearly two years. Economic conditions and exchange rates make things very cheap there, so I was able to live like a king during my stay. I had a maid that cleaned and cooked for me six days a week. Beyond her good food, I experienced some of the finest cuisines I've ever had at restaurants all over India.

Moreover, spending that much time there allowed me to make some great friendships, some of which will turn into lifetime ones.

Here's a video I took riding my electric skateboard around India with a buddy:

From Mumbai, I spent the next year bouncing around various Airbnb properties for months at a time. I spent a month in Singapore, three in Seoul and two in Tokyo. I'm presently in Manila, where I might be for a while. My stay here is indefinite for now because I've found the girl who I think just might be the one of my dreams.



I just realized my post was turning into a biography, so let's move-on to what's likely way more important to you: how I'm able to make my living online as a digital nomad.

From a young age, I dreamt of starting an online business and having the sort of freedom a successful endeavour would ensure me. I went on to receive my Bachelor's of Science degree in IT back in 2010.

While the classes I took taught me a ton of information, I stumbled across one of the most lucrative aspects of my career thus far outside of a classroom.

At the time, the game "Second Life" was starting to become extremely popular. There was a lot of crazy stories going around campus by those who played the game, and some of my friends were even taking a course that was being taught INSIDE of the game!

Second Life is a role-playing game in which you, as it is aptly named, you create a second life...a virtual one. It's a game without a plot; you create your own avatar/character and then interact with other players and do whatever you want. From just chatting all the way up to sexual activity. It even has its' own currency, which can be exchanged for USD if so desired.

So upon graduation, I started researching as much about Second Life as I could and eventually found what I thought might just turn into a profitable niche for me. I then taught myself 3D modeling, the coding used in the game and Photoshop and then I went head-first in my preparation to study how build a profitable businesses in the game and (secretly win the unwinnable game).

Eighteen months after beginning my research I hit profitability. Those profits soon grew to $50,000 annually, which is where it hovers around today.

Having the passive income of Second Life has allowed me to invest in other (online) businesses and cryptocurrencies.

Discovering and learning about the world of blockchains has really shifted my perspective on money and the financial industry. They've become my primary focus over the last few months.

Cryptocurrencies are the future! I am currently investing in Ripple, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Steem, Augur, Storjcoin, Ethereum Classic, and Monero. That might seem like a ton, but there are so many other coins (almost 1,000) out there, and I am planning to buy some of those as well.

I'll be sharing some of my experiences with the Steem community, including my investment strategies, with the hope that if any of you has a similar dream, I can hopefully help you get at least one step closer to achieving it.

So once again, hey there everyone. I'll be looking at your blogs, so I hope you'll be checking mine out as well, as I'll be updating it frequently.


-The Digital Nomad

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