#IntroduceMyself ... Lets talk about Brazil?

Hi Everyone!

I'm super excited to finally join Steemit! First of all, I would like to introduce myself:

My name is Tamara and I am a 24-year-old Brazilian girl. I was born in Brasília, capital of Brazil (bet that some of you didn’t know that haha) and there I graduated in Communication and Marketing.

carnival profile - cópia.jpg
(This is me in Rio de Janeiro's Carnival)

(This is a night view from Brasília's cathedral)

Last year I moved to Europe to do a Master Degree, but it turned out to be a year not only of studies but also of many travels, a lot of great stories and so much self-knowledge.

Moving to Europe and being away from my home country made me realize how much I love Brazil and how little people know about it (because it is distant, expensive to travel there and so big that it is almost impossible for a foreigner to know everything about it).

For those reasons, I thought that I should write about Brazil here and try to spread our culture and our landscapes to everyone that is interested in.

mapa mundi.jpg
(Get your passport and let's travel to Brazil)

What do you think about it? Would you like to know more about my country? Please let me know if you are interested in and write in the comments questions that you have, topics that you would like to know or even Brazilian recipes that you tried to cook and didn't go well haha.

I will end this post with some reasons why you should go to (or at least know more about) my beautiful country :D

(To get in touch with nature in Santa Bárbara Waterfall - Cavalcante, Goiás)

(To be amazed by Lençóis Maranhenses, Maranhão)

(Those are two reasons: 1- to listen to Brazilian Funk and 2- to do the Fitdance - which I will have to explain later haha)

(To discover what is this guy selling)

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(To eat pão de queijo - or cheese bread in english)
And there are a lot more!

Hope to talk to you again soon
Ig: @tamaramontijo

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