Introducing myself here to the Steemit community!


Wow, where to start. I feel like this is a college essay project. So much to say but I'll try to keep this brief because brevity is the soul of wit (or so they say)!

My name is Jeff and I was born a long time ago (1961 to be exact) in Montreal, Canada. For the first 18 years of my life I lived in a little town called Baie-d'Urfé which is on the West Island of Montreal. My dad was a very successful realtor and musician. He had his own big band orchestra for years and played with all kinds of famous people. My mother was a stay-at-home mom, singer, writer and actress. For a long time they owned movie theaters in Canada and I developed a love of film from them. I have two older sisters, two brother-in-laws that came with the package, two awesome nephews and an amazing niece.

I started my own business at the age of 13 buying and selling 8mm, Super 8 & 16mm films. This was all done via mail order and was wildly successful. Over the years I acquired the copyrights to a lot of older movies and later went into the licensing business renting films to television stations all around the world and licensing various media rights to the films. Believe it or not this is still my main business today over 4 decades later. As a matter of fact the business is bigger than ever but the formats, economics and methods of delivery have changed drastically. I now am the proud owner of the largest private film collection in the world...warehouses of celluloid along with the crazy costs of storing them each month!



At the age of 18 I moved with my family to Cape Cod, Massachusetts where I reside today. There's been a few places in-between such as living in London for a brief time but Cape Cod is still my home today.

My life has been (and still is) relatively interesting. Through my business I've met thousands of celebrities, gone to many major events and traveled all over the world. About 40 countries so far and 43 states (most multiple times). I'll do more detailed posts on all this later as this is just an introduction page.

Aside from movies I have many hobbies, interests and other business endeavors. Travel being one. As i mentioned I've traveled extensively to many exotic locales and lots of non-exotic places as well. Some of my favorite places are London, Jamaica, Milan, California and up until recently Sint Maarten (which I am afraid has now been pretty much decimated).


As far as business I own a collection of around 4500 domain names which I sell on a consistent basis. I love domaining but the costs of renewing each and evety .com, .net and .org I own are getting crazy. I was lucky enough to start buying generic names and 4 letter .com's a long time ago before prices skyrocketed. I'm slowly selling these off when I get a fair offer.

Additionally I've got a pretty thriving business selling stuff online. When eBay started I was all gung ho and sold hundreds of rare collectibles each week. These days the only marketplace I'm using is and everything is done via FBA where Amazon do all my fulfillment. I currently have thousands of items in Amazon warehouses and luckily have workers helping me prepare and package goods to ship to their warehouses. It would be way too much for one person to handle if I tried doing it all myself. I sell everything from soup to nuts (literally) but most of the items sold are in the apparel, home & garden, sporting equipment and electronic categories. I purchase a ton (actually multiple tons) of closeout items but also do a fair amount of private label products. Amazon has been an amazing boost to my business.


One of the other things I do is investing in cryptocurrency. Although I'm fairly new to the crypto scene I love dabbling with Bitcoin and altcoins. I'll be posting more soon about my short crypto journey.

So that's me in a nutshell. I've got a million stories and I'm very fortunate to have had more experiences in my lifetime than most people.

Streemit looks like a fun community. I hope to be a good contributor to it.

Thanks for reading and hope I didn't bore you all too much!


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