Aloha! Introducing Sharon Leopardi


Aloha Steemit Community!

I am excited to be creating my first post on this platform, and hope it can serve as a guide/table of contents for my future posts and offerings. My interests do change often, as well as pretty much everything in my life...Embracing the change!

Some basic info first:
I am 31 years old (at least right now)
I live (when not traveling)on the Big Island of Hawaii with my beloved partner @malakaitorres.

My Current Interests:
Astrology (esp Vibrational, Hellenistic, Shamanic, and Evoluntionary schools of astrology)
Long Distance/Thru-hiking
Dancing/Dance Events/Festivals
Growing & Preparing Food
Off-Grid Living
Alchemical Philosophy and Practices
Practicing Compassionate Communication

There is definitely more to the list, but this is what I have right now. I would love to connect with others who have similar interests, or who are curious about any of the above topics.
I feel especially excited to share about my Thru-hiking experience especially to help those plan for their own successful hikes, or any hike really. I also would love to share more about Astrology, and have discussions with others on their own experience.

Let's connect!


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