This is me, for now...

Hi, I am Martin.

I am trying out this website and I am blogging for the first time ever. Quite excited.

I am male, 18 years almost 19 years old and I live in South Africa (I am white).
I am 185cm (72.8 inch) tall and dark blond hair with dark blue eyes.

One thing that sets me apart form my friends is that I am 50% German (My mother's parents both grew up and lived in Germany, but moved to RSA in the 1960's. My dad's side are farmers in South Africa for a many generations). Anyone could notice the German in me by the way I react to some situations.
Something else that sets me apart from my friends is my taste in music: I like to listen to pop, rock, country etc., but the genre that gets my gears going is classical. I grew up with it in my grandfather's home. Don't judge.

My best hobby is to play Guitar! I play it almost two hours a day and I also have plenty of dreams I want to follow, most of which has something to do with Adventure (Mountain climbing, scuba diving, skydiving, surfing, archery, the list is long). I love adventure, though for a job I think of going into programming, which is the other thing I am quite passionate about.

I started this blogging, because I wanted to make a few changes. I feel like I recently reached a new chapter in my life and well I'd like to not only keep a diary, but also share it with some readers.

Anyhow, that's fairly the basics of my looks, interests and hobbies. I hope I do continue with this blogging thing.

And for anyone who was actually interested in reading this: Thanks and good day.

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